
“...he’s earning $5,569.41 per month through Patreon donations.”

I agree with the point of this article, some open-world games really are a pain to find everything in them - but Arkham Knight is not one of those. In fact, it is a good example on how to do it right, rather than wrong.

That’s the exact reason why DA:I is so inferior to The Wild Hunt. Basically every quest from the one given to you by the Emperor of Nilffgaard to the one given to you by the crazy woman with a frying pan is equally well put together and fleshed out. While in DA: I it was basically like “Okay we have a huge map we need

DA:I is the perfect example. So many pointless grinds that exist for the sake of grinding. Totally overloaded game.

Well, you know... if you had waited until you finished playing the main story to write this article... you wouldn’t have written this article.

“It comes across as cruise control for “edginess.”” This is grossely wrong, sorry but the game portrays a world at a time in which women had little rights. It would be ridiculous to give them the rights they have in modern society. Seriously, would you have history books chaged because women’s right were violated in

God I loved that. It was literally like MS went, laid on its back exposing a soft belly, and dared someone to do something. For Sony, it was like wounded prey and a huge crowd behind them cheering them on.

Terrible decision. I want to play with a person who lives with me? Better get another XBone, and hook them up on a decent TV. Uh-oh, I only have one HD TV in my house. Guess I’m not playing it with family or friends AT ALL.

There’s piracy, but Android has nothing to do with it necessarily, it can be locked if needed.

so... Scholar of the First Sin selling point is now a patch? I’m glad I was able to play the whole game with that freaking bug...

Well done

I like your style.

That was genius.

The arc in the logo is actually a perfect symbol for the series. It starts out in a graceful climb, but eventually disappears into its own ASS-hole.

Blatant, gratuitous arcs.

Played all the weapon tutorials, and man it was a hard choice, but my main go to has come down to the Switch Axe. I also like the range weapons, but having to have a special set of armor just for them is a bit of a drag, so I plan on finishing the story and save ranged combat for when I get into multiplayer. Though I

Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham