Eiji Aonuma has overseen the development of many of the major Zelda games, from Majora's Mask to Wind Waker to Skyw…
Eiji Aonuma has overseen the development of many of the major Zelda games, from Majora's Mask to Wind Waker to Skyw…
Season 4 put a real sour taste in my mouth (I'm a book reader). Hopefully they shape up in this season, but I can't help but feel like they have dropped the ball too many times.
Honestly? Looks better than the last two books it's clearly based on.
This is like someone breaking into an art gallery and then, when ordinary people can't go to the gallery for 2 months because it's being repaired, claiming they just did it "to show that the owners should invest in some better security".
I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.
I don't excuse it. I quote him saying such things in here. I don't wail on him for it, that's true. While it's unfortunate he resorts to that at all, I think delving into that sort of stuff could be a piece onto its own.
He's famous because he entertains millions of people.
That has no Halo feel to it at all, it scream generic SciFi which regardless of your opinion on Halo is not something the music should sound like.
And as always: "These video's are not streamed outside of the United States."
I prefer the 90's designs... man, my old is showing.
Seems like they're becoming less and less human. Maybe in twenty years they'll just look like Greys.
I feel old.
Is this really the story of the game? "The Darkness"? "The Collapse"?
Yup. Absolutely. I wish that Bioware was better at understanding the REASON people complain (ie loading times) instead of the actual words of the complaint (elevators are annoying).
We've known Nintendo of Europe had been struggling more than other Nintendo bases for a long time now. These are very sad news, but in no way surprising.
I just wish the NoE side would abide the same philosophy the top guns in Kyoto have of not firing employees when the going gets tough.
This is getting silly. Samus is no longer the strong female protagonist she used to be. The Zero Suit has ruined Metroid.
Class act all the way. Not a single bad thing to say about his former employer.
Adelman: Even though I ran the digital distribution business for almost 9 years, it actually wasn't until late 2012 that I started talking directly to the press. I think the main reason for this is that Nintendo is very careful about its image—as it should be—and I have a really bad habit of saying what's on my mind!…
And you wouldn't be happy if they did?
This article was originally published on April 3, 2012. We're bumping it up for Mass Effect week. For a different…