I don't understand the ET one...makes zero sense but it could just be me.
Look, I hate to break it to you Arizona news anchor, but that's not Zelda you're talking about. That's Link, and I'm…
What was the equivalent PS4 count?
Damn hipster electricians!
Jesus christ, a quick google could have saved you the embarassment. Saying PS4 allocates less RAM is first of all based off a rumor and has been verified via many sources that the allocated RAM is closer to 6GB on NeoGAF. Even if it allocated 512 MB of RAM less then the Xbone, it still has an effective bandwidth 3x…
You can assume what you will but if you know your first device had trouble understanding/recognizing certain dialects and your forcing the next device on everyone who wants the next console...wouldn't you have worked on that little problem AHEAD of release? No?
Yes. It's mainly this, shameless race baiting, or "You are NOT the father!" during the day. Also commericals for personal injury lawyers.
The battery pack in my 360 controllers lasted less than a 6 months before becoming useless. My PS3 controllers are still going strong after almost 2 and a half years.
I am a dev (non game related though) and that looks like a check in monitor. It is very common in large teams to have monitors that show a list of most recent entries into the source control - and the quick descriptions you see looks like Check-in comments to me.