Ok, two questions:
Ok, two questions:
My father used to have such a beard. He called it a Three-Quarters Nelson, because he was bad at both math and cultural references. On sunny Thursday afternoons, he would trot at a fair yet cautious pace on all his forelegs to the nearby Haire Stor, which was owned and operated by our dyslexic neighbor, Sameul. This…
Real talk: the disdain of “in-between shit” is often why people binge on diets. “I’m already eating unhealthy with my entree, might as well get the potato skins too - none of this in-between shit, that’s ridiculous!”
See my immediate feeling was “GET OUT OF MY FANDOM, TED CRUZ”
I certainly disagree that Star Trek wasn’t and doesn’t continue to be (at most with the exception of the last two movies, which were made to appeal to wider audiences) political. The role of scifi is to explore current political and social issues through a lens that allows us the distance necessary to assess and…
Nah, the Romulans were powerful and to be feared and respected. In other words, nothing like Ted Cruz. The Ferengi, on the other hand ...
Don’t let him fool you people, Ted Cruz is a FUCKING ROMULAN!
Meatloaf was my first concert when I was like 5, and since then I’ve spent a lot of time wondering what “that” was. I came to the same conclusion as you so it must be true. It’s definitely butt stuff.
Speaking of butt stuff, I am absolutely sure that when Meatloaf sings he will do anything for love, but he won’t do that, “that” means “butt stuff”.
I like this song so much. It’s thoughtful pop, if I can call pop music that. It’s grown up and there’s a deeper meaning in it. It explores queerness, unlike Katy Perry’s “I Kissed a Girl”. Perry’s song was more about kissing girls for a man’s pleasure, not her own. This song is about exploring sexuality for yourself,…
I really enjoyed this Demi song. I like her a lot but i just couldn’t get in to her music. I like that her vocals on the track aren’t stale or typical of what i’d expect of a popular pop artist and there is a little experimentation there, I dig it.
The fact that the vast majority of my Spotify listening is throwback jams means “Yesterday” is hitting me right in my wheelhouse. It’s not a great “play on loop” track but I am enjoying all of the references in it.
Isn’t the story behind it that the network got funding from some random nonprofit/government agency to do an anti-drinking PSA, and Whedon just made it absurdly over the top as a kind of protest?
Aside from my normal job of napping, I leave the house too many days a week working in the food industry.
This must have been some small ketchup processing facility in Florida or somewhere near a Red Gold production facility.
Thank you for this great piece of investigative journalism into #BIGKETCHUP.