
I’d love it all the more if she did. I was of the opinion that the whole Ben Affleck “Mystery of the Wedding Ring” was one big conscientious pap-attention while they were falling all over each other, “IS HE WEARING HIS RING? HOW ABOUT NOW?! AND NOW?!” Jen and *KIDS* had smaller media detail...I think the

It’s the level of rich that views banging the pool boy as unspeakably gauche.

The very existence of that dress as something designed for and by “white supremacists” disproves white supremacy.

I guess Russia never heard about THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!

Like what level of rich is banging a tennis coach? Because I want to get there, that or a ski instructor...

1. They were making her a sexualized come-hither vamp crossed with a virginal teen girl. It was the optimal mix, or so it seemed in that Brittany-ized time. As Cher Horowitz said...

o my fucking god.

I hope you are sitting down, because I have some SHOCKING information, and there is no way ANYONE would believe it.

I went to high school in my home country of Canada, and it was a public school 15 minutes away from a catholic high school. My high school was sponsored by Durex condoms, and the nurse at the school had a

Yup. Depending on the level you teach, mine are sometimes surprised I don’t know x or y. By the end of the year they’re finally getting the idea of how huge the field and questions can be. It’s been really liberating getting comfortable with the phrase: “I don’t know.”

It’s not so much a new advancement as an excellent execution of proticals we know can inhibit the transfer. Not that that mkes it any less commendable. This sort of all-encompassing preventative care is easier said than done. Good one everyone involved for pullingit off, and I hope the success continues.

Some ads go viral - can't be too careful!

Yes! If we know everything, what do we have to learn?

That’s another sad - although less discussed - aspect of Cosby’s debacle: he actually has a legacy of good, positive and important things, but he ruined it by being a sociopath serial rapist...

They may still do that, mention Cosby and “I Spy” but not show the interview. It’s really unfortunate that Cosby has turned out to be such a sleaze. He did some good things for African-Americans in the entertainment industry. (Which obvs doesn’t excuse the harm he’s done.)

I can see removing the tribute, but it makes no sense to remove all mention of Cosby if he’s the first Black person with clout to demand a Black stunt man. (I don’t know if that’s what they are doing here or not.) They can just mention the facts, without comment or embellishment, and move on, focusing on whatever

There will be no comments as most of us do not have the stamina or finger strength to get to replies. So I stopped in the middle, ran to the store, and I am now soaking my sore mousefinger in this.

I almost broke my eyes doing this.

They are used for Bachelorette parties only. Right? People aren't walking around in these at the mall or something?