
Ok but this one only fits one of those criteria, it’s not OWL it’s Overwatch Contenders

To be fair my 150 bits were purely from ads because HA like I’m going to pay real money for Twitch emotes and four skins, I don’t even use Twitch for anything else except the free stuff from twitch prime since I have Amazon Prime anyways

You know I was coming to this article to say “I finished it!” but then you pointed out a lot of stuff I forgot I hadn’t finished, like Season of Infamy and the super challenge mode stuff, not to mention I forgot I never did new game plus. I only did the separate adventures and a single 100% secret ending run.

It is

Hey me and my friends freaking love that game, sure the races are somewhat repetitive after a while and the top down mode is... there... but city trial? We played city trials for hours on end for days on end! SO good.

I was going to comment this about Lego City Undercover buy it got other consoles at the same time as Switch so I doubt it counts

I really liked Epistory, though it’s certainly not for everyone.

Electronic Arts, not Early Access

Oh man I freaking LOVE Hotel Dusk: Room 215. That was one of my favorite DS games out there!

I think infini scrolling got you, this is the tumor article not the DK timeline one

I know it’s story driven (now at least) and doesn’t have the strongest level of consistent updates but starting from the beginning would give you a solid 1,112 comics based entirely off of D&D:

Sadly that bizzare decision with the d-pad and stick with the menus was in the Vita version as well, and my guess would be the PS4 version too. Still a fantastic game though

Bother I just uploaded the exact same joke!

At the risk of going for the obvious joke...

And I want her Destroyer skins

I’m pretty sure it’s intended to be an introductory programming thing, as on the screen you can see that they’re assigning a response to an input.

Oh I hope that’s the case, I was feeling so bummed about not being able to get it thanks to no Vita release

In fairness, it does technically take place in America

I mean yeah the loot boxes are pretty high presence, but at least there is ZERO gameplay-changing things to be had in them, unlike certain other recent controversial products