
and to match the table...


Your doing it all wrong. Tin foil, red spray paint, Ferrari badge.

I guess since it doesn't sport a fruit on the back it 'isn't worth anything' even though it's a great running device with many features. Sam, I smell your fanboyism.

This was addressed earlier, so I'm not going to retype it but trust that you can read. Special considerations aside, if your willing to fail someone for not showing up at class if they can test out, and obviously know the curriculum, you deserve the title of bitch. Your original post makes it seem like your wife is

Now playing

Even better because it stays on even when closed.

Haha. iLOL'd

My greatest complaint about the school systems now is that they require the same prerequisites for every degree. I'm going for a BA in Computer Science, why do I need world history? Isn't that what the 13 years of grade school were for? Those seem to always be the classes with the most busy work, and I find that

So your telling me that your ability to learn something is the same as mine? Why should I be standardized and brought down because the other people in the class can't keep up? Life isn't fair, but colleges and universities try to push a 'fair' agenda, by allowing teachers to base grades on homework and bs like that.

What stores are still in stock, or even still offering the good deals at 11? Most door busters end at 10, and I can't imagine the major purchases are still going to be there.

So instead of teaching (what she's paid to do) she would enact vengeance for someone not wanting to sit through a lecture they could easily read about in half the time? That's whats wrong with Colleges in general, you don't need them. You can learn everything on your own, but in the day and age, you have to have that

Not true.

Yeah, they've had kits to do this since the old school (94-2001?) mustang, and I always thought of it as kinda rice.

Yeah, I have a Playbook which will instantly turn into a coaster when this thing comes out. It's so ahead of anything else slated to come out this year that I literally have to have it. I think the nerd in me will die if I don't get one, lol.

Something tells me your ears will survive.

I used to just burn them to a CD then import them as an MP3. I never bough a song from iTunes, but back in the day (5 or 6 years ago) they had a pepsi promo where you got a free song on every cap, and I got like 100+ songs from it. They were all DRM'd so that's the only way I could do it back then.

It doesn't have a shiny fruit on the back, so it will never get a fair chance on this site.

It doesn't have a shiny fruit on the back, so it will never get a fair chance on this site.

This thing needs to hurry up and come out. I can't wait till December!

I see what you did there.