
He was referencing the fact that the rest of the world uses Celsius, so 70* for them is much hotter than 70* for us. @Franrant was correct, you can take your facepalm back.

Haha, describes me perfectly. I like how you captured the facial markings.

haha, I was just trolling him because he's complaining about BS that he could stop by simply paying on time. It's all for lolz.

Your funny when your angry...

It's also illegal to use services you didn't pay for. Or, as my coworker says, 'Hey kids, what happens when you use something without paying for it? That's stealing!' Pay your bill, game over, you lose, nobody's going to pity you for that. Get an accountant if your too busy to pay your bills, or set it up on auto

Hmmm.... I have AT&T service, never been charged an extraneous fee. Guess what, if my bill is due on the 3rd, it's paid on the 1st. If you can't afford your luxuries, then get rid of them. Fiber optic internet, and hundreds of TV channels are luxuries, not needs. If you can't pay them, get rid of them, it's as

Yeah, but they'd probably pay their bill on time.

When you assume you're talking to a little kid, that's how you position it.

Nope, I'm a grown up. Can't say I can remember the last bill I missed. Tell yah what, try missing your mortgage payment, tell me what happens then.

No, that is the point. Stop being late. Period. Just because you can't handle your responsibility like the rest of the world, and pay your bills doesn't mean the company is the bad guy. Restoral fees only go into effect if your account is past due by two weeks, and they probably had a service call to go out and

Looks like they were trying to brute force they're way in. Two step verification would solve this hack attempt.

Don't be late then. Problem solved.

They already have the ability to put double passwords on your account, but most users opt out because you have to type in two passwords. Consumers need to be educated, AT&T is doing their part.

Ask any honda owner. Weight rules all. /lol

I'm sure it would be fairly easy to implement into androids stock voice recognition. Just gotta route the commands to the proper .apk.

Even then, Google has the power to make it happen.

Even the video you've shown says its just the proximity sensor, and they're tear down shows no separate sensor. My SGS2 has an always on function for the UX they have built in. Did you even watch the video you posted?

Strange, it ranked very well in all the reviews I've read, and mine works perfectly fine. Compared to Apple or even Android tablets, the browser is miles ahead, and UI is amazing for multitasking.

Now playing

Either of those. Skip to about 4:00 to see the 'Commercial' vehicles.

Ah, read somewhere it was done all phone side, my bad.