
I just wanted to throw in my appreciation for the text-based summaries of this video's posts. Oftentimes there's no way to tell how credible or obvious these videos' trivia bits are going to be, and sometimes you're just not in a situation where watching a video with sound is a feasible option, so having the high

It's not a cute smile. Too much gum. Personal pet peeve. Would not bang.

hilarious, & impressive & all without wearing blackface——great work.

Huh, you don't meet too many Unitarians in the GOP.

You know how when you are nervous to speak in front of people, you are told to picture them naked? It disempowers them, making you feel more comfortable speaking to them. I can't be the only one who sees this as about power over women and not sex. It's not like this is 1944 and a torn image from a magazine is all

I can't speak for all feminist guys out there but this is pretty inspiring and definitely a step in the right direction. Lots more work to do of course but he seems to get it and is not afraid to talk about it.

Can we get Terry to do a Jez Q&A??? Is someone working on that? Please someone be working on that.

I'm not big on Wild West theme, but I think if this comes to fruition, this mod will probably be right up there with stuff like the Someguy Series, or A World of Pain ... possibly exceeding them for enjoyment.

You're all puppies, tangled in strings. . . strings.