Lingua Pura

Weirdly, Clinton actually does better among working class voters as a whole, which is why she’s swept the Southern states which are generally the hardest hit economically. Additionally, she has a stronger majority with women. These numbers are certainly bolstered by her major lead with black voters, but that’s not

What do you foresee as his path to winning from here?

“I love Morgan Freeman!”

Thank you for this really great breakdown!

Plus, doesn’t T Swift record under Sony? It’s literally in her backyard, and as a major name on the label, she could have a ton of influence if they felt she might walk.


You say that, but then there is (was? Kinja pls) a comment directly below mine with many stars stating they’d rather write in than vote for Hillary. I definitely don’t think it’s the norm, but it’s certainly not beyond the pale.

I can’t find the one I’m thinking of with the really good ones, but this list is pretty solid:

Have you seen the giant list of rumors for Hilary? It’s amazing to see the way they all contradict, but point to the fact that she’s definitely lying about something. Something.

Seriously? That’s a pretty strong response from what I’ve seen. I don’t attribute it to a gender thing so much as people supporting Sanders tend to be further left, and the further to the fringe you go the more passion you get in a lot of ways. Especially if you’re a white male, it’s harder to put into context how

How dare you deny their love. Their hot, sweaty, potentially catatonic love.

You are completely welcome to. The summary of my post is essentially that Clinton supporters would like the same thing.

Other way around, sadly.

Cool. I support Clinton.

We must have very different perspectives then. You’re welcome to disagree with me, but maybe you should consider the possibility that this isn’t major media reporting on one or two incidents. If you read through some of the comments here, you’ll see a theme of experiences from different people. In your language, you

That’s my bad, actually. I c/ped a post responding to someone who was wondering what was wrong with Sanders’ comment and why people thought there was any sexism in the way Hilary is being treated, and in that I was referencing Killer Mike’s comment. Overall I agree with you completely. Unfortunately, there are too

I found it for you. The origin is this article:

Okie dokie then.

I saw a Berniebro tell a woman that women just needed to realize that they have much bigger issues to worry about than reproductive health and marriage rights. Thank goodness he was there to set the record straight.

What we’re saying is that there are many, many more extenuating circumstances that you yourself may have experienced. If you have this many people taking exception to your post, you may not have worded it right.