
Well, some translations of the bible contain this:

Actually, she is correct. Moses is given the " full honor of the greatest lawgiver in this chamber." Around the House chamber are relief portraits of important historical figures whose works established the principles of American law. The portrait of Moses is given prominent position and, while the rest are in

And how many of the 613 mitzvot do we follow today, Bachy? up His Own Ass

Generic Deadspin Commenter: [who wants to sex Mutumbo joke]

...and then I said, "Not in my House of Windsor!"

As a former fraternity member (I feel like half of my Gawker comments these days start with that clause), I'm pretty confident in saying UVA's fraternities and sororities need to shut the fuck up, regardless of what happens with this story — which at the very least shows some of the warts of the system even if the


Well I didn't know so many illiterate Conservative Fucktards knew how to spell "Progressive", so I guess we both learned something today.

I thought it was offensive when the officials by the goal line kept making that same gesture in St. Louis today. Enough is enough.

Dear Ms. Lauten: I get you're in an awful political party, but you're a part of Congress, try showing a little class.

The one the Priest, the Minister, the Rabbi and the Imam keep walking into.

I swear to GOD if I ever found out my (actual) son had done something like this his life wouldn't be worth living for about two years.

That may actually be part of the problem! Because he was so versatile, he's hard to pigeonhole; I certainly don't think of his primarily as a "science fiction filmmaker" — he was an old-school journeyman, who could so anything. Just lo0ok at the fact that he directed both West Side Story — which was in its day bold

The Andromeda Strain, while not my personal cup of tea, has more style and cool dripping out of every orifice than any sci-fi film put together in the past 20 years. The fact that it manages to combine the stylistic flourishes with utter realism is an inspiration. Puts the likes of 'found footage' movies to shame.

I think Wise doesn't get more props as a science fiction director because he rarely gets props as a director at all.

ST:TMP is my favorite of the bunch. I know that sounds crazy, and I don't really have much to back it up, but it is. The languid pace and classic sci-fi (read: Twilight Zoney) plot click on all cylinders for me. Actually, while I always liked it I considered 4 & 6 to be my favorites until I finally saw TMP in 1080p HD

Now playing

I don't care that it's largely representative of all the film's flaws; I absolutely adore the entirety of The Motion Picture's 'Enterprise in spacedock' scene. It's just ridiculously beautiful.

There is a precedence to this though. Bill Gates wound up making his fortune when someone noticed his firebreathing act when he used to open gratis for REO Speedwagon, and Warren Buffet got his start working for free as a ring girl in backyard wrestling tournaments that were frequented by Wall Street talent scouts.

Historically, a bunch of aggressive white men surrounding a black man yelling, "Lynch! Lynch!" warrants this kind of response.