
Hey, look! Ayn Rand has a Burner account!

It's a fucking nightmare. I've been helping a couple friends whose kids are sick and it's practically bankrupting them. It would actually be cheaper for them to become British citizens and move to the UK.

Can I just share my serious brush with Ollivander greatness? I went to high school with (and remain friends with) the toy designer who designed all the wands sold in Ollivander's. My daughter got the hand-made mock-ups of ALL of them (the ones used to make the mass-produced ones) from my friend for her 11th birthday

I love the epilogue.

I'm a writer and have worked food service in several different roles, including server. (Also done a shitload of other jobs; got a lot of stories.) The WORST day writing is 100 times better than the BEST day serving. That's why I never tip less than 20% EVER. If the server slaps the food on the table and disappears

Oh boy, you definately have a charming way to tell the internet you never get laid.

I wished they did a movie where this one left off as well. I loved this movie.

What I took from it is that it all took place in Earth's past - Leo's past - and later society develops more or less along the lines it only should have, only by the time Leo arrives the truth of what happened has faded from memory and Thade got all of the credit for uniting apes and humans.

Agreed. I was hoping for a sequel that would expand on that ending.

I'm probably the only person in the world who loved this movie and thought it was perfect .. I also watched the original 6..

I agree. Hive mind trolling, most likely by people who probably have never even seen the fucking thing.

I liked it. I do tire of people who live in a black/white sucks/doesn't suck world. It had its merits.

I'm with you. I mean it's not great and I haven't felt the need to watch it again, but neither did I get my soul raped, which is apparently what happened to everyone else. I would have gone to see the sequel, if only just to find out how Thade ended up as the Lincoln Memorial.

No it wasn't. I liked it.....

I am still waiting for the screen adaptation of Planet of the Apes, The Musical. Especially the Rock Me, Dr Zaius number.

Personally I rather enjoyed the movie. I would have happily attended a sequel that picked up with the first movie left off.

I wonder if the parents are grown-up versions of these kids and are making it a status symbol/competitive thing to see how can spoil their kids the most? "I got my kid the new iPhone." "Well, I got my kid six of the new iPhones." I kind of think it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring back the guillotine just a teeny tiny

That movie doesn't get talked about enough. So good and unsettling.

If he were American, I'm sure that's the way he would have gone.