
It is one of my favorite series of all time. It's basically Stephen King letting loose his imagination in a hundred different directions, but he brings it all—well, most of it—together in the end. Plus, he references almost all of his other work in it, tying his entire body of work together. Personally, this was

I absolutely love this series and have read it many many times. It's not without it's flaws, but I think it's worth reading. The more into King you are, the more you get out of reading his books, this is basically the skeletal system of his entire connected universe.

this was largely moralistic. I work in opera; the LGBT presence in our field is and has always been massive. I could go on about how opera houses were like Gay bars before gay bars existed, but the point is, when this story hit, everyone in the opera world collectively lost their shit.

Hmm... this seems so familiar, I can't quite put my finger on it...

The irony there being that one of Sirius Black's few redeeming qualities is his distaste for hate speech whereas Gary is evidently thinking "I mean who HASN'T wanted to just yell 'mudblood' aren't we ALL secretly thinking it?"

Very many things are worse than sitting through Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, that movie was great.

why sirius why?????

What some people sneeringly refer to as "being politically correct" is what others refer to as being respectful of others. Radical concept, I know.

Oldman Yells at Cloud.

During the 2010 Cup I was in Italy at the time and I saw a lot of the games in bars where a lot of people were just getting drunk and only vaguely paying attention to the games. You know, like people always do when watching any sport. Sports and drunkenness go hand in hand, buddy. You're not making a shocking

This is why I actually enjoy flying Southwest. The attendant said every piece of relevant info they needed to, in a way that people actually pay attention. Some of you may chastise their style, but I guarantee you that more people listened to this delivery than if they gave a dead pan "by the books" safety speech.

Sure, it's full of jokes, but he still gives every piece of information you need. And people are probably more likely to listen if it's interesting.

"Libtard"... "sodomy"... "double standard".... I got Troll Bingo!

What happens at the end of your pipe dream when the GOP sweeps?

She has much more potential to enact change in the Senate. Until the system is drastically reformed, any POTUS, even a Dem, is going to be a center-right neoliberal taking marching orders from Wall Street.

From an idealistic perspective, Clinton is not fantastic. From a realist perspective, which compares her to whom she would be running against, Clinton is amazing. From an abstract, ahistorical perspective, what she did then was not cool. From a historical, pragmatic perspective, she did what was required of her and

I did the whole Dark Tower series in a single year - including books like Black House, Insomnia, and any connected short stories. Not truly a binge going from last page of one book to the start of the next, I did about a book every 3 weeks with other stuff on my reading list, but close enough.

I came to the series late - the fifth book had just come out when I decided to start reading them. I burned through the first five books very, very quickly - just a couple of weeks. I don't remember how fast I got through the sixth, but I read Deathly Hallows in a day.

Not only did I binge read Locke & Key, but literally everyone I've ever introduced to the series has also binge read it. It's one of the greatest stories ever written.