

More importantly, Annie Golden also played Squeaky Fromme in the original off-Broadway production of Assassins.

The shit at Buffalo Exchange and Goodwill were also made by 8 year olds. Someone else just wore it first.

Thank you so much for telling me that I am apathetic at my job. I'm a nurse and I work in the OR. Everyone I work with gives a shit, and cares about their patients. We are horrified and heartbroken when bad things happen to them and frustrated beyond belief when incompetence or disinterest results in bad outcomes

True, wolf sanctuaries are in dire need of funding.

People don't recognize Robert Donat anymore? Sad.

Remember this the next time someone in the fashion business spouts a bunch of nonsense about why they won't start a plus-size line. "The shapes are different!"

Both are right. I don't know about Jonah Hill, but for me, growing up in Iowa in the 80's, "Fag" and "Faggot" were profanities we threw at each other like they were "dickhead" or "fucker". This is not an excuse, it's not cool, and I believe that he is sincere. I'm in the process of removing the word "retard" from my

I'm with you. Yes, I definitely think that the way to avoid this outrage would be to instate policies for men and women — it's sexist to direct it at just one gender.

anyone ever bother to think that maybe a lot of rules aren't specifically directed at men because they don't constantly push the envelope on what is deemed acceptable? and when they do (see the whole pant waist below your ass problem), rules actually are created?


I call bullshit on this. For one thing, as your post says, it's a professional environment. All nursing schools have dress requirements (the one at the college I work at stipulates that all students must have their hair up and tattoos covered- oh the shame!). Jesus, you wouldn't show up to work with your midriff

I am just getting tired of all of these people complaining about enforcing dress code restrictions. School is a professional environment. Dress like a damned professional. That means no saggy pants, none of your bits hanging out, take a fucking shower, be there on time, and get the SUPER PROFESSIONAL FUCKING

They did a remake of it called Lost, you should check it out.

Oh, nice! They got the non-opera opera singer guy! Klassy!

Gary Oldman is overqualified to play nearly any roll in nearly any movie. The man is a genius when it comes to acting. I think he just really enjoys doing any kind of work. He will participate in anything. The variety of his work is vast, but his performance never falters.

I have such a soft spot for Lost in Space. It was a much better film than it gets credit for considering beyond the first few episodes of the first season Lost in Space was a TERRIBLE TV show that only held on cause it wasn't heady. Also I had such a massive crush on Mimi Rodgers, she was my first ever MILF crush as a