
I've spent the last few days sick at home. This is the face that's been watching me during the day, never leaving my side.

Seems more fitting now than ever that Blake's tennis hero is Arthur Ash.

Oh, there are tons of ways to report bullying. Too bad the parents, teachers, and principals are typically useless and uninterested in stopping bullying.

Really? After crapped upon for years the girl strikes back. And now she is the bad one? What did she do? Fight back for once instead of letting everyone walk over her? Disturbing the natural order that jebus intended? Really?

They are very cute.

She has a point. That's exactly how other entertainment industries works. The Seahawks all retired when they won the Super Bowl, Beyoncé will never make another album since she broke all those records, and tom hanks hasn't been in a movie since "Big."

"Awww, OMG, look at that little guy! He's so darn cute! Is he flying with you?"

It's amazing how childish these 'big-time donors' can be. I guess that's why they get booster seats.

To the school and you, $465 may not be that much or "hardly generous" but to those kids, their families and this man, it may have been quite a bit. I think it's slightly unfair to discount his gesture based solely on the amount he gave.

It's your idea to teach poor kids responsibility by expecting them to bring money they don't have for lunch every day?

You'd think Roger Ailes would have gotten in touch with her by now.

And so, Missanelli and Mendte began a beautiful friendship together for many years. Some might even call it a latent homosexual relationship. One that continued over email for decades, until Mendte accidentally call Missanelli "Alycia" during one night of passionate stalking. Then, things just got too weird.

Rob ford:

Hell is going to be the best party for all eternity!

Guys, opening this up to Deadspin readers really makes a mockery of the process. I hope you're pleased with yourselves; you're clearly just doing this for the attention.

Or as it'll appear in tomorrow's sports section:

some shadowy hoodie-wearing dude smoking doobs

to put the B and S in the BCS

Apologies for that last post as a couple point out. Frankly, never heard about that context. Point was that he is an idiot.

Mike Harrington called him a "Tard," but then said he'd never heard of calling anyone a "Tard" before. What a fag.