They were all just following orders. Now where have I heard that before?
They were all just following orders. Now where have I heard that before?
I love Georgia. This morning I changed my Google email to Georgia (and a dark blue font) but just switched back to Sans Serif (but kept the color). Anything wrong with Georgia?
You must be very young. Your thinking is so convoluted and your knowledge of history is abysmal. You need to look at this country’s history. We have never had a revolution that favored leftist ideals. But we sure as hell as had ones that were reactionary. This country will always go right, not left. Those who forget…
My standard reply to those who cite whatever of the Abrahamic holy books is this: “If you don’t understand classical Greek, you don’t know the Christian scripture. If you don’t understand Hebrew and Aramaic, you don’t know the Torah. If you don’t know Arabic, you don’t know the Q’uran.”
How come this wasn’t discovered in voir dire? And if the foreman lied, said he had no biases in either direction and then spouted these beliefs during deliberations, shouldn’t a juror have notified the judge? Could the foreman have been dismissed and replaced with an alternate? (Or have I watched way too much Law &…
Thank you for this. Unfortunately, I have been ignorant of the population mix of Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Still, along with the US, these nations are the exception and not the rule. I think attempting parliamentary style government in the US would be a disaster.
And because the US has a heterogeneous population, more so than any other country. No common cultural, ethnic or religious backgrounds. You simply can’t compare this country with any other politically.
FDR? The same FDR who didn’t hesitate to intern Japanese-Americans during WWII? The one who turned away a ship of German Jewish refugees and sent them back to concentration camps in Germany and Poland? The FDR who wouldn’t sign an anti-lynching bill because it would have cost him the South and hence the New Deal would…
I love you.
Which is exactly what the Republicans want.
I will say something good about Roger Ailes. He’s dead. Good.
Did she graduate with a LIBERAL Arts degree? Curious, isn’t it, that’s not called a Conservative arts degree.
I’m telling myself that China, being the next great world power as we slowly sink into oblivion, does not want Kim Jun-un to fuck it up. He was good for them as long as he was just a thorn in our side but if he starts ramping it up I think (hope) they’ll step in and take care of it. Which means at this point in time…
No, fuck the Bernie Bros and their Hoes for saying that there was no real difference between the candidates and parties, and for then whining about “identity politics” and how the Democrats need to appeal to the WWC (i.e. white men) to win elections. And fuck DR. Jill Stein as well. (A female physician who threw all…
From his place in hell, Josef Goebbels is laughing at his posthumous victory.
And there were Jews there as well. And there would have been greater numbers if they hadn’t been persecuted and expelled by Christians and Muslims in their continual battles. Do you really think Ashkenazic Jews (many of whom were assimilated into their European countries) really wanted to pick up and start all over…
Don’t take it personally. I refer to ultra Orthodox as the fucking Haredi as well. They’re part of the problem as well. (Considering that they fought against the establishment of Israel because the Messiah hasn’t come but they have not only weaseled their way into power but they and their kids are bums because they…
Jordan was part of the original mandate but the so-called Hashemites swept in and colonized that land. It was supposed to be part of the Palestinian homeland. But funny how it’s only the Jews who are considered the invaders. And everyone wants Israel to go back to the original borders before 1967 when it was the…
Stop it. As long as Jews didn’t have self-determination then there was no freedom for us. So stop the fucking condescension toward us by saying that it was so much better because you didn’t kill us. I’d rather deal with the outspoken anti-Jewish groups than have assholes like you kill me with kindness.