
My little guy, rescued from a high-kill shelter in Georgia. Local rescue groups here in suburban Philly make periodic runs down there to rescue pups. And I'm got the best friend anyone ever had.

Got to ask. Do you read Greek? Because if you don't, you really don't know what any of those text says.

My little guy (see my avatar) was picked up in Georgia and transported up here to Philly by a local rescue organization. He seems to be a combination of Maltese and Bichon and he is the most wonderful companion. A friend of mine urged me to get a dog after my mom passed away and I was retreating into depression. We

This is NOT affirmative action. This is just looking beyond the usual subjects. Do you honestly think that the top experts on all subjects are white men?

Beautiful. Borrowing this for when I hear people make that argument.

Not yet but the @UPPastryPlate is tweeting during the show anyway.

From the smiles on their faces it looked like the troops enjoyed being "used." They were on the Oscars for cripes' sake! Much more fun than being deployed to Iran on a false basis (wanna talk about used?).


We are going to feel it. UPS, FedEx and DHL all rely on the USPS to help them deliver. My last few packages that started out as FedEX deliveries ended up being delivered by the USPS. I don't live in some out-of-the-way area; I'm in a bedroom suburb of Philadelphia. So what do you think will happen to the cost of your

Yep. Kissing Angelo Cataldi's ass. Absolutely the number one thing to do to prevent Cataldi from McNabbing him.

I'm fortunate; the operation (or "procedure" as they now call it) was relatively simple and so was the recovery. No real pain just discomfort and squeamishness on my part when having to deal with cleaning the incision. And this type of cancer is curable if caught in time although I'm certainly glad not to have dealt

I was out in 24 hours. It was a fairly easy surgery and the pathology report came back negative so I'm happy. But I'm also angry in that I know if I didn't have insurance I wouldn't have had the surgery as it wasn't immediately life-threatening. If the tumor had been cancerous (and there was no way to know without

I'm a non-observant Jew who doesn't fast on the High Holy Days but I feel your pain. Literally. I'm going to guess that the other fast day is Tisha B'Av,

I recently had part of my thyroid removed and of course was off all food and drink from midnight before the surgery until I was awake enough to take some food.(It was about 15 hours total). First thing I asked (begged) for was coffee and the wonderful aides got me a cup and then made sure I had two cups with each meal.


I had a partial thyroidectomy last week and was in the hospital for just over 24 hours. I was up and walking within hours of my surgery but I had three heparin injections in that time as a preventative. I'm only a few years younger than Hilary but I can imagine that all the extended plane travel (in addition to the

Credit where credit is due: Bloggers Farran Smith Nehme, Marilyn Ferdinand and Roderick Heath and this year's For the Love of Film Blogathon for spearheading the fundraising for this restoration.


Having the same problem with my guy. He's a 4-5 year old rescue (see my avatar) that I've had for several months and he's such a good boy and never goes inside. Problem is I took him out a couple of hours ago. Or tried to anyway. He was so excited to go out but once he got down the steps and I opened the door he

What I find interesting is that Cruise has gone after the dinky tabloids (way down on the tabloid - importance scale) and not Vanity Fair which probably has lawyers as tough as the ones Cruise employs. And putting this lawsuit in motion puts Suri in the spotlight more than if he had just let it alone.