@David S.: But why would he say that only to Rick?
@David S.: But why would he say that only to Rick?
I already made a mention of this, but the CGI explosion at the end was terrible.
The alien abduction light is awesome!
@Dexomega: I have to admit it, those shots look awesome.
Hey, Depth made it to the coming soon list, please vote for it will ya all?
@8x10: In my mind the Thing was allways some kind of virus, so I doubt it has a true form other than that.
@Ryououki: Im guessing you were never a kid..
@KSChris: Now to mention that Merle stated that he "got the message" and knew he was "being punished" on the last episode.
@MinervaAlpaca: It kind of reminds me to that secuence in the ramake of Dawn of the dead where everyone is playing around in the mall and having fun.
Great episode. I find it kind of annoying how survivors can simply walk through the city problem free though.
@Captaincorgi: My new PC paid itself with the work I can do with it. How's that 360 working out for ya troll?
@DoctorDynamite: Read the article and you might get an answer.
@spykr: That's her clothes which are not invisible.
So what? He's funding a PMC? Not very nice isn't it?
Too bad the pictures are a bit small, the first one is totally wallpaper worthy.
No shirtless Bob Hoskins = No sale Hollywood!
@AngryFork: My guess is that half her body is in a hole in the ground, but I would love to see how they made it.
Please microsoft, you say you want to double down on the PC? Then release it on my godly box, pleeeeaaase!
@ParadeDC: That's so cool!
As a PC gamer, I dont want to live in this future :/