
Naturally, I cant watch the videos at work, but that still of the demon wizard thingy looks really cool actually. Color me interested.

@gametr4x: Becuase they are in no way related to each other right? ...

I thought it was cute (besides perhaps a slightly dark way to use a disaster to promote your product), people really need to get a life.

@Ashurahori: How come someone who gives away insults like that has a star?

@FrankN.Stein: That movie/short almost made me cry when they left the robot alone.

Ughh..I regret clicking the link leading to this article now.

@the yawner: That's it! It was so simple, hearted.

@xdeathknightx: You are right, I actually got confused with another movie about a psychic detective, the bad guy lived in a similar place that was hidden by his mind powers.

@doubledeckard: ohhh What was that movie's name? I want to see it again.

Isn't this what that crazy movie "Zardoz" was all about? (more or less)

I love Blender, it's a highly underrated tool. And Sintel looks awesome too.

I see two trucks on the picture.

I still say they should have done the same thing that was done in America's Army.

@equinox92: Yes! I was going to post the same.

Is #8 photoshoped? She looks great on that one.

@jdale: I stand corrected.

Ok, I am aware that I'll be potentially banned for this comment but, do we really need to know about this?

@fratto: Did I really need to see that?