Stupid | Clever

Guaranteed, one or more of these will end up the next Adequate Man’s “What Did We Get Stuck In Our Rectums Last Year” list. My money’s on the Virtual Blowbot Turbo Stroker - Internet: Challenge Accepted.

It’s the parents, not the teens.

Parents abusing opiods (and alcohol etc) are more likely to cause teen depression than teen experimentation, IMHO. In hindsight, I totally missed adding that clarification to my original post. My kinja editor is so getting a talking to...

“By far the biggest change in teens’ lives between 2012 and 2015 was the ascendance of the smartphone. It’s difficult to think of anything else that changed that suddenly during that time period that could have impacted teens’ well-being as much.”

And, good grief, who watches a 17 min video of the vlogger whining?

..or better yet, “I’m the least racist person you’ve interviewed”

HO (now you figure out if this is an acronym or shade)


At 00:00:10 seconds into her YouTube response:


MILE HIGH CITY FTW! But If I was Bezos, I’d be more likely to hunker down in Toronto - because Fuck Trump.

I want to see humans AND Elon Musk on mars before I die.

Dude looks like a GTA5 character. Jussme?

Original prototype, before steering wheel was removed:

Yep, will email you - asking for a friend.

“Pick up a [Comcast approved] book [purchased from Comcast.Store.Com] and read!”