
The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

Yes, there was a time when people dumped their shit in the street. I believe that was also around the time that the average life expectancy was, like, 30.

She had other options. The bathroom floor (she had a changing pad to use, and could have also put down paper towels). HER OWN MINIVAN, which she considered and chose not to use because it was too much hassle. It is never, ever okay to change a diaper in the dining room of a restaurant. EVER.

The restaurant didn't put the excrement in the dining room—the woman did. She provided the public health risk because the van she had seemed a little too far. She also could have asked the staff to help her bring the chair to the washroom, asked to use the staff area, done it on the bathroom counter...


They're both dude fantasy.

Actually, considering that a lot of male rapists get less than that or are not convicted ever, I am not sure how this is reflecting a privilege of any sort, gendered or otherwise.

businesses will never tell you this but they can write off the credit card fees 100%.

I don't even care. My personal privacy is nothing compared to protecting a child. Most of my emails are related to career, family and a few kind of personal health related things. But I know I've got nothing criminal to hide, so it really doesn't bother me.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

I would probably shit my pants if I see him again. Then I'd throw the poop stained pants at him and waddle-run away. I moved halfway across the country and changed my name to be rid of him. He didn't take too kindly to me breaking up with him due to his wandering dick.

Ladies, if he won't "allow" you to fart or burp

here's my sex spreadsheet

Seems to me like these people need to spend less time making spreadsheets and more time spreading on the sheets, amirite?

People like what? Murder victims? People that are interested in threesomes? People who use the internet for hook-ups?

I sound mad for telling you no one (and I'm a someone) would ever suggest you do anything but what you want? And then for explaining I could not make the choice you made partly because it would be very bad for my career?

At this point, I feel like I'm the only person in this country who can eat milk products and gluten with no problem.

YOU MISSED THE ENTIRE POINT. That is why I told you to fuck off! What you described in your "what is normal and what I think other people should look like" response is EXACTLY what you were criticizing them for in the first place! Their clothes were too nice. Their cars too nice. The purses, jewelery, and makeup all

Right. Heterosexual, cisgendered, happily married man in his 30's who definitely felt the, "Every girl's friend, no girl's boyfriend," shit in high school/college.

This scene was pretty much the only good thing about Jennifer's Body.