
Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and

I've just read your various various racist, sexist, and homophobic comments in the kinjasphere.

My godmother, a kick-ass, no-bullshit, straight-talkin' dame who works for the UNHCR, has precisely zero tolerance for celebrity dilettantes and tragedy-fuckers. Over the years, she's bluntly told any number of high-profile self-aggrandizers to jog on. So when she mentioned, after she first worked with Jolie in

So kissing your brother in public = public act of incest?

This woman has done a tremendous amount of activist work regarding international human rights and refugees, and you want to silence her for something she did 14 years ago? Ok.

Jesus, you're insane.

I did answer you, actually. Her boobs don't bother me. They do not offend me. I just don't really think boobs should be hanging out on the red carpet. That's just my taste.

::quietly starts chanting::

Chubster here. My shame ... not nearly as entertaining as your pizza story ...

As an actual single mother this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Being a single mother is not just taking care of the kids without a husband there. It's all that goes along with it. Even if your husband is out of town unless he is not contributing to the finances in anyway then you are not experiencing the life of a

As a fat person as well (though, sadly, much much fatter than you) I understand humiliation only too well. I feel it every time I leave the house and walk among the normies. Once, I went on a date with this guy that I'd met online. I sent him several photos of myself (so that he'd know what he was getting himself


You do realize that women still die in childbirth right? And that there are more children waiting to be adopted than there are prospective parents? A clump of cells that might eventually become a baby is not as important as the woman's right to control her own life and body.

I'm really sorry about your painful experience. But can't we all agree everyone is going to go through this differently, and they all have the right to?

Excuse me? You're dumb. You don't understand the word autonomy. You don't understand the stress a pregnancy can put on a body. You don't understand that being pregnant is not the best option for everyone. You don't understand the term selfish if you expect someone to carry a child for someone who can't. So sit

Maybe if you could actually have a baby, rather than just hold your wife's hand while she does the hard work, you'd get it. The world does not need more people in it, and IMO, reproducing in a world that is overpopulated and overpolluted is the most selfish thing you can do.

So, what you're saying is, 90 percent of assault victims are women. Perhaps, we shouldn't negate that fact.

Yeah. Much better to repeat to women, for the 100 000 000 time, to check their mini-skirts and not use pony-tails. And in the end, make them responsible for whatever is done TO them anyway.

I'm seeing a lot of people not digging on the wives, sisters, daughters portion, but I don't see it as patriarchal so much as the nature of language. The ad is intended for men, and about sexual violence against women. These are the words referring to female relatives.

Cue the idiots making up bullshit reasons why this isn't awesome in 3...2...1...