Enlightened Despot

Yeahh I’m not super pumped on the whole “Let’s continually shade this rising POC actor who by all accounts seems like a really great guy for this white director’s scummery (who was fired from the project and was known to have clashed with said actor)“ angle that BuzzFeed and Jez are riding.

I’m still not super angry at Malek taking a job, particularly something as ‘once in a lifetime’ as this, and which has been a really successful role for him - I’m angry at the studios/companies/people that keep picking Singer as a director. While some actors have a lot of choice in their roles, most people on a movie

Shelter Cat Update!

I think that woman would be triggered by absolutely anything. This has nothing to do with the size of the seats and everything to do with her being an abusive garbage person who moves through life looking for any opportunity to degrade other people while feeling self-righteously aggrieved.

I walked in on my SO watching the last episode and what the judge says to him in that trial - wishing him luck....we were like “wtf?”.

I agree with your takeaways. I came into this knowing of Bundy as this charming killer, but didn’t even know his trials were televised or that he escaped custody twice. I was in awe of his demeanor. Being fully aware that he actually committed all these atrocities, his candor and behavior was utterly shocking.

Right. I also never said “hot,” I said “attractive.” He was conventionally attractive by 70s standards and by most American standards - hence why Zac Efron is playing him and looking the part.

I walked in on my SO watching the last episode and what the judge says to him in that trial - wishing him luck....we were like “wtf?”.

Leaving aside what you found boring, I’m starting to get frustrated with the “stop saying serial killers are charming and attractive” critique popping up around this docuseries. Never has a critique been more incorrectly lobbed.

The woman who escaped Bundy said exactly that. She got in his car, but almost immediately her creep radar went off and she was on guard. I think the police saw someone like themselves - an educated white man who didn’t fit their profile of a serial killer.

People really forget how far technology has advanced since Bundys crimes. Not just technology but national databases and police department communications. He benefited a lot from what law enforcement lacked. This whole “evil genius who eluded capture for years” thing would be demystified if people just got that

What gets me is then, as now, an incredibly average man was given absolute boatloads of privilege and wiggle room simply because he was—average. He didn’t have to be outstandingly smart or handsome or charming, just not a foaming at the mouth psychotic-break guy howling at the moon, which is what everybody expected of

I assumed the OP meant the police force was biased and stupid, not the victims. If you watched the documentary, Bundy was either ignored as a likely suspect several times over and also escaped from custody several times, once because the police literally just left him alone in the court library which had access to a

The most frustrating thing about Bundy is also the most frustrating thing about this documentary. His own words, and the tapes this doc center around, are completely worthless. He never gives any real insight into why he did what he did. He always blamed a variety of things, scapegoats others, protests his innocence,

I actually took away something else from the documentary - I’d only ever heard the much vaguer stories of Bundy, as handsome/charming/intelligent. While I completely agree that the documentary virtually ignores and dehumanizes the victims, I think it actually demystifies Bundy to some extent.

I think the mythology of Bundy as supposedly “charming” or “clever” is kind of baked into the bread. You can’t really tell the story in the context of the era without dealing with the ways he subverted people’s in retrospect absurd expectations—and how it was that and not the cold brutality of his crimes that created

Psst. Hey, everyone. It’s okay to like Rent. I know, I know, a lot of folks crap on nowadays. But, maybe like me, you grew up in the 90's and lived in the margins with the wierdos and outcasts. Or, maybe you were LGBTQ than and having something so mainstream celebrating your identity back than was thrilling. Maybe you

This is America, you piece of shit, Brokaw. What the fuck European culture do you think you even are representing? This is so fucking disgusting. ‘WHITE’ is actually not in and of itself a CULTURE to stan for. ‘White America’ is a melting pot of distinctive countries from Europe. Most Americans are too mixed to even

Shelter Cat Update!

I’m always surprised by how many people don’t know that many legendary serial murderers had wives and partners and families who never suspected a thing, and who the men felt no compulsion to kill. Our culture is so confused about everything that we think Ted Bundy is no different from a grizzly bear or hyena. The