Enlightened Despot

Maybe Rami Malek doesn’t read Gawker or take that site as any sort of serious news reporting? They did go down after refusing to remove the Hogan sex tape after all. So spare me the whole “Gawker was lookign out for these kids!!” when your own fucking manager at the website said he’d post videos of underage children

We actually have no idea how much of Bohemian Rhapsody was directed by Singer. He also technically directed ‘X-Men: Apocalypse,’ but a friend of mine who worked on it told me 1) he could count the days Singer actually showed up on two hands and 2) he was told that Singer’s attendance was equally erratic on the

I think it’s a little too original/weird/released way too early for the Oscars to take it seriously. 

Well, the Academy’s finally giving Spike Lee some recognition, so, good news Boots Riley, 2048's going to be your year!

Agreeed. But it was released too early in the year. Have to have a pedigree or be a “big” movie to be remembered. If it was even a just-prior-to-Thanksgiving release, I think it would be all over the place

Wow. That best picture list is shit. From that list should be between Roma and The Favourite, buy I can absolutely see any of those other, far lesser pictures winninng. Black Panther would be kind of neat, but it’s nowhere near as good as the two I listed or a half a dozen other films.

Sorry to Bother You should be on there somewhere.

Vice only sucked if you went into it looking to reinforce your personal beliefs or biases one way or another. As a piece of movie making, it was very ingenious with a punchline/jab at the audience buried in the closing credits that makes the whole thing work very well, imo.

Perhaps you should rethink your statement.

Tony Romo has saved us all from the incessant armchair douchebags like my ex-husband who think they know everything about coaching a football game.

Romo is the best thing to happen to the NFL ever since he left the NFL.

It’s like NASA tryout Barney vs. regular drinking Barney.

Another of the things that he doesn’t get credit for in the booth is his historical knowledge. The Patriots were running some old-school looks that aren’t coached today, and Romo is able to identify the formation, and note that it hasn’t been used for a long time.

I often wish I could mute the announcers and just have the natural sound of the game, but Romo is the exception. He is fantastic and I hope he never changes. 

Best Tony prediction of the night had to have been “If Andy Reid is smart, he’ll call the timeout here”

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

I think it was that throw to Gronk down the sideline where he noted, “If the safety steps up, he’s going to Gronk one-on-one.” I immediately was staring at that safety, saw him step up, and I was like, “Here it comes.”

Ja Rule doesn’t come off well at all in either doc, but he also seems very dumb, so I believe that he believes he didn’t do anything wrong, whereas I think Billy knew he was doing something wrong — he was just expecting that somehow he’d pull it off and be so filthy rich he’d be able to pay back his creditors because

So in your view you just want to forget like the whites the indigenous were merciless to outsiders? They are not pegged as the villains in my eyes, nor are they the heroes, they are what they are and bad things happened in the past to everyone. It’s time you remembered that. And once again you are dragging realistic