Enlightened Despot

Yeah, the rules will be changed, etc. (and Payton is on the Competition Committee), but some consolation, right? And I’m glad someone brought up the mugging of Ginn at the start of the fourth. But on the subject of leading with the head, Cory Littleton got away with two – the one that knocked Josh Hill out of the game

This is nice to see.

This was sweet. It would be nice if everyone-me, you, the media, Pete-could now take Pete’s media saturation down about a thousand notches so he can continue to get healthy without all the scrutiny. Jost is also dating a superstar and no one seems to give a shit.

Watching the video of those Catholic School boys taunting Native American demonstrators, and that kids smarmy face is stuck in my head. It’s driving me crazy, because I know what I’m seeing very clearly. The kid looks so pleased with himself, even though he’s making no point and hasn’t even come up with an argument of

This shit happened A LOT in my hometown years ago, 8 young white college-age men ending up in the Mississippi. All ended up having insane amounts of alcohol in their system and they were all blamed on idiots walking into the river. The campus police ended up posting up in the park next to the river almost every night

I don’t think it was the Knocked Up stuff as much as the perceived feud, real or not, with Shonda Rhimes. Not just the salary negotiations, but the rumors that after Knocked Up, she thought she was getting bigger than the show and wanted off to do movies full time. Combined with the whole ‘I didn’t submit myself for

Oh, it’s not just you - it’s just not politically correct to admit to it now, when the “feel good” narrative is the only socially acceptable response.

Gonna disagree. Writing only about indie, artsy flicks is as boring as only writing about every Transformers movie. A biweekly column going through the history of romantic comedies is actually really interesting and unique, tracing the evolution and highs and lows of a genre that’s generally portrayed these days as

I was also startled by her comments because clearly both of the sisters were more sympathetic characters to me than either of the main guys. (And I’m a guy who was in his mid-20s when the movie came out.)

He’s played 1.5 seasons in the NBA, being on a losing team last year before getting Lebron, he’s 21 years old, and Deadspin Has Seen Enough!!! He is Bad! End of Conversation! 

Lonzo Ball is in no way a bad young player. His willingness and ability to eventually shoot will put a cap on whether he’s all star good or just an ok starter, but his defense and passing ability alone make him not ass.

Neither of them came from wealth of any kind and whatever they made previous to their run for the white house they made on their own. Neither chose legal fields, community work, or academic careers as great money makers. The majority of their wealth comes from the books they have both written. I won’t argue with where

It should be. Apart from its inspirational appeal, it is also damn good writing. Some of the passages are quite literary yet unfussy. She and her collaborators did an excellent job.

Shitty Fades of Grey as I like to call that dreck.


I wasn’t aware that this passed for verifiable, peer-reviewed and repeatable evidence of anything apart from an axe to grind.

Honestly, I wasn’t aware that this kind of thing passed for anything resembling coherent, cogent rhetoric—but I’ve only been teaching academic rhetoric for fifteen years, so I clearly wouldn’t

If you can criticize LGBTQ people and feminists, then we can criticize your stupidass Christianity. Sit down.

Well if we went around scrutinizing every republican that’s said or done something racist, we’d have no time left in the day to eat or sleep

He looks at all times like he’s trying extremely hard to avoid giving in to sexual urges. You know what kind they are.

He got a mulligan because somebody was a poor shot.