Enlightened Despot

Issues with biracial identity were also discussed fairly heavily in RHOA in Season 7 when Claudia Jordan was introduced. In her case, the discussions centered on whether or not she had a white or black ass, her weave (or lack thereof), and occasionally focused on her family and being considered an outcast / never

I think we remember people from the past mostly for their achievements because their shortcomings became apparent or repellent to us in hindsight. For example, I doubt if anyone cared that some founding fathers owned slaves until recently.

The quick dissolution of a marriage in the mid-twenties rings true, at least in this city. I sometimes wonder if the build-up to the wedding, the stag, the showers, the engagement photos, all the hoopla just masks the underlying flaws in the relationship. After the ball is over reality hits and couples untangle.

I adored this episode, not as quite much as Shoshanna’s Japan epi, but so so much. I wondered how long Marnie would put up with Desi and his emotional blackmailing. His remark about her getting murdered was somewhat spot on, especially because of the events of her (lost) evening, and bewilderment that people “still

All the applause. I have sensory processing issues and ADHD, teachers were convinced I was on the spectrum for years. Neurological function is a spectrum with different shades of normal. It hurts my heart when people say that they'd rather have a dead child than a child on the spectrum.

Great post. If I can add a corroboration, I was born before the MMR was available, and my mom caught rubella while she was pregnant with me. I am what happens when you avoid the MMR vaccine.

“Descend into autism.” Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. FUCK. YOU.

Nice post. A quicker version of the argument might be that highly intelligent parents are more likely to have an autistic child*, and most geniuses throughout history exhibit traits associated with the spectrum so GEE MAYBE IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THAT.

So you think that we Autistic women don’t exist?

Anti-vaxx movement stands against Autistic people by pushing harmful propaganda that promotes fear and prejudice towards Autistic people, the anti-vaxx movement has also seen a sea of money being used to disprove the myth of a connection between vaccines and autism -

I think it was very well written.

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

Thats actually a wonderful thing to hear from a young child. Starting around teenage years our culture starts to drill that supporting the ladies or lady stuff is uncool and sometimes made to be even shameful.

Tulsi Gabbard has basically become Bernie’s de facto female, non-white friend. It’s both irritating in its tokenism and hilarious in its transparency.

You can believe whatever you want to believe but I don’t think that’s true. I think she’s absolutely being honest: drop its schedule, do some research, let states legalize, and go from there.

Yes. I would love a shift to a democratic socialist country, matching a lot of Europe, but the way things are now, it’s just not going to happen. If Clinton is elected, she at least knows where the bodies are buried, has no problem using either a sledgehammer or a stiletto, and, frankly, she knows how to compromise.

I actually thought her discussion of weed was pretty brilliant. There are, in fact, pretty intense repercussions to taking a Schedule 1 drug from banned to legalized at the federal level in one fell swoop. Dropping it down to a much lower schedule, supporting states as they legalize individually, and then keeping a

I know, right? She’s not funny and spontaneous enough. We need a President with improv comedy skills. But then again, she doesn’t have enough gravitas, what with all that trying to please everybody. Makes it hard to take her seriously.

There are about a billion valid criticisms of Hillary Clinton but she is very funny. It’s pretty universally acknowledged by people who’ve met her (including those who dislike her like David Axelrod) that she has a great sense of humor. But she’s funny in public too (like her reactions to the Senate hearings or her

I work for a center for homeless teens, and one of the things we provide is a free health clinic a few hours a week for clients. The woman who runs the clinic is this amazing hippie in her 70s who was an army nurse during the Vietnam war, later did Doctors without Borders, and has been providing health care for people