Enlightened Despot

Good. Glad Armani is recognising how awful using fur is and hopefully others do the same.

And she doesn’t take his shit, as far as I can see. I’m actually really pleased that Fox stood up for her (given the Breitbart shitshow, that wasn’t a guarantee). At the same time, I have the feeling that Trump is all the chickens coming home to roost for Fox, and they seem to be out of their minds that they can’t use

I hadn’t watched network TV in a long time and recently got it again. I thought it would all be modern family type stuff, but it seems to be made up of 90% very dark police/fbi/secret organization procedurals. What I’ve seen flicking around channels in the last month or so could make anyone paranoid. Could it be in

I think it’ll come down to who gets under who’s skin first and Hillary might have the thickest skin in DC. Trump, meanwhile, is sensitive about his short fingers. It also sounds like Obama and Bill are going to be the ones firing the big guns and freeing up Hillary to concentrate on being positive. Frankly, I can see

I’m your mother’s age—mid-sixties. I need to point out that the 60's, when your mom was a hippie, weren’t exactly a utopia of gender equality. The decades since have put a burnished glow of nostalgia on that era. But I was there. I can tell you with no reservations, in spite of some steps toward equality, the 60's and

Because he wants to fuck her, that’s why. He cannot abide the fact that she sees right through all of his bullshit and isn’t at all swayed by his money or his sweaty orange face. He wants to fuck her and she’s all “HARD PASS, LOL.” Trump cannot handle it, and copes by calling her “crazy” and “sick.”

Exactly. She doesn’t agree with him and he can’t call her “ugly”. So of course, he labels her “crazy”. What a psycho.

Ah yes, the old “she’s crazy” trope. I bet Trump thinks his relationships with Ivana and Marla also failed because “they are crazy.” It’s always the women who are “crazy,” the common denominator couldn’t possibly be him, much less his misogyny.

That’s why I prefer Arizona over Georgia. It’s the dry hate.

Just started watching “Poldark.” Feel inexplicable desire to show up on set in Cornwall (which I previously only associated with historical rebellions, that wall where Ms. Musgrove fell in “Persuasion,” and Cormoran Strike) and make sweet sweet love to Aidan Turner. That show is SO GOOD!

Actually a lot of contemporary conservatives are not at all fans of Hamilton, because at the time Federalists advocated for a very strong centralized authority — aka Big Government. Hamilton was all about centralizing power at the national rather than state level, as opposed to the more states’-rights-oriented

I’ll say this for Jackson, he was against slut shaming.

My favorite work in the Heigl oeuvre is probably the 1996 TV film Wish Upon a Star.

I’m sorry, the who, what? The lighting? The where? WHAT?

“Hairless cat somehow elected to Florida’s highest office, Rick Scott”

Jesus, I think a Cruz/ Voldemort ticket might just kickstart the apocalypse.

It’s always so bizarre to me to see Padma on TV or the news. I went to high school with her- I was a freshman when she was a senior and we had the same theater class (she was going by Angelique at the time, I guess in an attempt to Americanize her name?). She was always kind- something unexpected for someone so

Nosferatu, Rick Scott

“Death from ‘Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey’ with a crisp Florida suntan, Rick Scott”

Well, if Rick Scott is gonna be the VP nominee, we’re going to need some adjectives for him. I’ll start: