Enlightened Despot

Speaking of white invaders, one other thing I think Rowling did right with this was by having the contact between indigenous wizards and European wizards happen well before muggle contact. That would explain why the conquest of the Americas didn’t lead to a conflict between native wizards and Europeans - they were

^^ this. The thing that authoritarians never seem to understand is that you can only control those who agree to be controlled. Outlaw legal abortions, other avenues will open up. Outlaw drugs, other avenues will open up. It is why I tend towards the Scandinavian progressive ideas - legalize everything, create

Was the maddest when she was talking to her husband like “idk they say I’m strong? And that they can’t handle it?” Nah trick you’re just super brash and abrasive and we’re all over it

The state’s voting districts have been gerrymandered to all hell.....and like hell, this is the g’damned result. We should be an in-play state, closely divided between Republicans and Democrats. Instead, there is this crapwagon convention. Only bright spot - there is a case in the Florida courts to more accurately

I’m so glad you commented on Erika’s amazing gaggle of gays! I’m convinced three or four of them literally live in her closet.

Bet one of them is under Donald Trump’s hair.

Jesus fucking Christ, I’m sick and fucking tired of hearing about republifucks removing health care in the name of “safety” when this all has been proven time and time again to be fucking FALSE. ENOUGH ALREADY! pretty please, with a fucking cherry on top? This is 2016 for fucks sake, why are these fucks dragging us

I wonder where Rick Scott has hidden his horcruxes. We need to find them and stop him.

I think the closest I can recall in real life was when Owen Labrie’s lawyers dressed him in a nerd costume for his sexual assault trial so he didn’t look like the captain of the varsity rape team anymore.

This was difficult to watch. She was absolutely traumatized by this trial and people were so cruel to her. I felt tremendous sympathy for her. She was a working single mother who was being trashed for not being devoted enough to the case by virtue of requesting an “early” day in order to be there for her kids while

The One With Timothy Elephant is one of my favorites. Because, well, that’s obvious isn’t it.

I think it’s important to remind yourself of the context that is the era that the show was made in. Some if it is stupid and superficial now, but much of it was “off-limits” when it was being made.

Also, very important to watch the non-censored versions, because the PG re-runs gut the whole show.

If you pie his face, I’ll pay your bail. Deal?

Say cheese and die.

This is the best worst thing I’ve seen a long time...

Thank you so much! That made my whole weekend. The leased (or borrowed from Lisa) RR, the non-dancing in the tunnel, the spinning... I thought it was almost perfect, but just missing a certain something.

Now playing

Since this is a “Dirtbag”, I hope it’s ok if drop a little extra garbage in it (kind of like when dog walkers throw their baggies in your trashcan. It’s ok, except for when they don’t tie the baggie

The try guys aren’t about gay panic, they are about painting gay panic as completely ridiculous. They are about showing people that, just because you are easily freaked out about such a simple thing, that doesn’t mean there is anything actually wrong with it. The try guys almost always realize that there isn’t

“My personal pocket computer that can give me immediate access to the entirety of human knowledge can’t take 4k photos? Lame.”