
Here on Gawker, you can’t talk bad about black or Muslim people, so that’s probably why the North Koreans get the flack.. They’re considered white on this website, so it’s OK to demonize them.

The problem with this argument is that literally nobody thinks the people of North Korea are somehow “bad.” This isn’t some cultural misunderstanding, nobody’s sitting there going “Gee, man, I don’t know about those 5 year-old North Korean dirt farmers. They seem pretty sketchy.”


Corrupt Latin and South American legal systems have never had qualms about locking tourists up, and then milking them dry financially while extracting a metaphorical pound of flesh. It’s going to be interesting watching that institution butt heads with an IOC that is desperately trying to have the legacy of these

Is lying to NBC an crime in Brazil? Don’t these dipshit police have real crimes to investigate?

Why would the brazilian government even try to pursue this further? Frankly it just makes the country look even worse and petty IMO.

This. While the complaints regarding Metzger are valid and I’m glad to see he’s facing repercussions for his statements, it is absolutely bullshit that there’s an expectation that people respond to the Internet Mob in real time. Presumably Schumer just fired someone she has (at least in the past) considered a personal

Yes! Why do people feel soo entitled to her space? She’s fired the guy and called him out as an ass. There’s nothing left for her to say to you... I'd block you too!

Yeah, anybody can block anybody on Twitter. If the first I hear of you as a person is you up in my @s yelling at me about something (at the same time that THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALSO YELLING AT ME IN MY @S) I would feel no compunction blocking you, and fuck anyone who tells me I am obligated to patiently let

I mean, I get people tweeting her about it, but I also get her blocking people. If I were a celeb I would block so many goddamn people for a lot less.

Can we not blame Amy Schumer for the assholery of men she may have employed/known? Let’s stay focused on the true jerks who deserve our anger.

Given the fact that an hour supposedly passed between Jon Benet being hit over the head, and being strangled, I’m guessing that Burke accidentally hurt her, the parents thought she was dead, then they wrote the lengthy note (using a pad from the home and putting the pen back in the place where pens go, what intruder

You know they got a formal apology from the DA for being accused, right? It was because there was the DNA of an unknown man all over her body.

The brother - parents tried to cover it up. There are countless theories.

OK, but how many years has it been since Nick Denton has seen Suri?