
This pretty much sums up the problem with (some) cops. This guy is pants-shittingly terrified of just the presence of unarmed citizens. He's waiving his gun around like he was in the middle of the jungle and the rest of his platoon had just been killed by the VC and he was just waiting to be taken or to have his

The prettiest cupcakes tend to be the driest in my opinion. I have yet to purchase an outrageously expensive, beautifully decorated cupcake and have it actually TASTE good.

Here is my wish:

police racism is a problem and militarisation is another problem, we can talk about both

I read about this yesterday, and despite all the awful things floating around on the internet right now, I won't deny that this made my day.

I'm sorry this happened to you. If you ever feel like you are in a crisis again, there is a website you can go to get help. They chat with you online, so you don't have to worry about crying (because they can't hear you).

The statement ended with: "Oh, and, fuck you Shep Smith."

That's his legal name.

How about you shove it instead of being a condescending ass?

I was really hoping he was selling Three Penis Wine. Or, I guess if he was going for the fancy crowd, Nine Penis Wine.

Big deal. Bottled water companies have been running this exact scam on all of us for decades.

I too live in Atlanta, and most of my friends were using it as source material for some pretty funny jokes, with minimal freakout. The best one I saw was someone on Twitter who said: "How the hell we supposed to trust Atlanta with the Ebola virus when Gucci Mane released 8 mixtapes from jail?"

Thank fucking you!

Can you PLEASE stop talking about the Catwoman and Electra movies like they were anything other than an embarrassment to everyone involved?

Why are you writing about this like it's a good thing? Catwoman and Elektra hurt superheroine movies because they were rushed and shitty. Sony is known for rushing these movies. Go see Amazing Spider-man 2 and let me know if you think those creative minds are who you want charting female led super hero movies for

Artist's depiction of her visions:

The Jackson family is bitterly disappointed and saddened they could not exploit the ranch for their own profit.

Um, so, I want that NASA Crew scoopneck tshirt for myself.

I was a donatello girl and I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING I married a nerdy super smart surgeon who is amazing with his hands and fucking loves pizza. I never made the connection until now.