I'm so sorry that happened to you. They have helped me in the past- And were invaluable. I'm glad that you have overcome.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. They have helped me in the past- And were invaluable. I'm glad that you have overcome.
Never be too proud to ask for help. Never be too busy to give it. You can't judge a life by the last 5 minutes. Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
I came here to say this. There would be big, sloppy tears of joy running down my face.
We could put Matt Ryan behind the god damned hulk, he will still throw a pick. And laugh his ass off for how much he is getting paid to do so. Dimitroff needs to be fired. Or maybe we can just have him bring on another WR made of tissue paper.
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. Just having that last name- You get the question DAILY. And everyone assumes you're an asshole. And you have to explain that TECHNICALLY you are related but god damn, they don't show up to fucking reunions and shit, OKAY?!?
Mistergrits has the back hair. All of the hair, really. I know that it makes him really uncomfortable, and he got really hammered one day and asked me to shave it off because it would make him feel better about himself. So, I did. And he was happy. AND I HATED IT. I didn't say anything, because his body, his…
My entire office, myself included, was just completely stunned by the shift+F3 trick. I have wasted countless hours of my fucking life.
Stunning! And completely worth a click through to see baby daddy doing a push up. DAYMN.
You would estimate wrong. However, different schools have different academic standards for scholarship compliance- Hence, why it is such a big deal when an ACC team beats an SEC team.
OH FUCK THIS. Seriously? Did you even read about this case? You think they staged the picture and then she was like, you know what? I'm gonna go cry under this desk because I love it when someone anally rapes me with out lube.
Reread your second paragraph and try again about grouping women.
A.) There is a difference between the NFL & the NCAA.
I really have it out for people who knock their partner unconscious, particularly if that person is in top physical condition (See professional athletes.) That said.
I think you're stretching- Respectfully. If they had painted her up al la Cleopatra, okay. But just sitting on a patio table- I am seeing this as more of a Dionysian thing. Beauty of the human form vs beauty in nature. Furthermore, since she is a Kenyan citizen... This isn't your typical white girl in a head dress,…
Let's be real though. I mean, we've all made those stupid time game app store purchases (Side eye to Simpsons: Tapped Out). That said, you wrote the article so that you could expense this- Right?
I can't stand Guy Fieri. I also can't stand cruises. But they came together on the Carnival Glory, which I somehow ended up aboard, and I'll be damned if that Guy Fieri burger was not MAJESTIC and DELICIOUS. Plus. Mushroom and onion cheese fries. AH. (That sound you heard was my first heart attack.)
You sound Southern. Come on home, baby.
Isn't that what D always stands for?