....People do this? This is a thing? ugh. (Side note, Lupida is effing beautiful. I think it's her smile coupled with those arms and an impeccable sense of style, but. You know. Maybe I should have focused on something as silly as skin color.)
....People do this? This is a thing? ugh. (Side note, Lupida is effing beautiful. I think it's her smile coupled with those arms and an impeccable sense of style, but. You know. Maybe I should have focused on something as silly as skin color.)
I have tried this product and loved it- Rog3. It isn't cheap. But IT WORKS AMAZING. IT's this blue gel spray junk, and it got it ALL UP AND CLEAN. If this was sold in grocery stores, I would pay $20/bottle regularly. That's how good it is. The customer service isn't great, but it works beautifully. ROG3 Tub…
Best way to get stains off of the "etchy" part of your bathtub is a product called R.O.G. 3. Gets all of that dirt that no amount of scrubbing will get. I didn't find out it existed until I was 29, and blew my mothers mind when I showed her. MAGIC I SAY. Also, their customer service sucks, but it's totally worth…
Goo Gone gel. Spray, let set for 5 minutes, and wipe. Repeat if necessary. Usually works great for me.
I REALLY like this. Which is never something I say about an entire collection. Which probably reflects poorly on me...
I kinjaed myself on that. Sorry. But they are both talk show hosts trying to be doctors. I would much prefer an unbiased scientific doc.
“But now it’s making women sick and so our goal with this film is to wake women up to the unexposed side effects of these powerful medications and the unforeseen consequences of repressing women’s natural cycles.”
Brand? Cause I've been getting the thirties breakouts and I think this could be a solution.
YOU WILL PRY THEM OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS. Turned shark week into shark day, no cramps, no headaches, and no babies. And now them sweet bitches is free.
One day. And Netflix will wait. YOU GOT THIS.
OH. Mercy.
I can just picture this as their new ad campaign.
OOOHHH. No pants. Added to list.
Sounds perfect!
Baby, get over here and MCDOUBLE ME NOW. Rawr.
SO you're saying myself and the mister are not the only ones marathoning House of Cards for Valentines?
Question- What is the shape of that black strapless dress over the blue body stocking in the top picture called? And is there anywhere that sells that shape in plus size? I WANT A PARTY DRESS, DAMN IT, AND I DON'T WANT IT IN JERSEY MATERIAL.
Sucks though, doesn't it? I mean. You never expect someone you're that close to to pull off like that.
Here is my rescue Pitmation. Meet the JOEBEARASARUS.
I just assume they are all lies now. But yeah, you know that friendship that you see falling apart but you try to keep up with it anyway because you're a moron? Even though you are starting to judge and wonder and ask questions about lots of things? Like that.