
I live in Europe and have moved numerous times within the EU, a single region as far as discs are concerned.

Mayo on grilled cheese is meh.

Hey there— not yet, but I definitely hope to take them into account. Probably I’d want to let the user somehow indicate the weighting that they are most interested in (in some way that’s still usable). Let me add this to the list of items to consider as I keep working on it, and if I add something like this in the

No worries at all, there’s still plenty of room for improvement and I’m going to keep at it— hope you’ll check it out from time to time and hopefully as it improves it’ll bring some value for you.

Hey there, author of the site here. I understand your concerns. Let me explain a little more about how the site does the calculation and maybe it will give you a fuller understanding of how much work was involved. Basically (if you change nothing else), the site figures out where the two airports are, then figures out

Hey there! Salt Lake City already in there, you might have filtered it out if it didn’t fit within the budget you set. Here is a link for SLC with 2 people and a modest lifestyle:

Oh, and here is a link to SB just in case (set up for 2 people, modest lifestyle, but you can change those details on the budget tab)

Hey there, I am totally open to adding additional cities provided they are of sufficient size, and assuming I can assemble a full complement of data for it. The US actually has more cities than any other country in the system, but we aren’t quite at the breaking point yet. Feel free to reach out to me with suggestions

Hey Jared,

Hi Green,

Hi there, the primary language is (barring bugs) the language spoken by the highest percentage of people, by country. For Canada, that’s English. I’d love to be able to break down the primary language by city, but I don’t have a good data source for that at the moment.

Hi Theocraticjello-- the Freedom (and other scores) have little tooltips next to them that explain where they come from. In this case, it’s based on the Freedom House Freedom in the World 2016 survey, an annual report on the overall state of freedom in the world by a non-partisan research group.

Ha! My bad, I totally misread. Well in that case, no plans ;)

Hi Theocraticjello-- the Freedom (and other scores) have little tooltips next to them that explain where they come from. In this case, it’s based on the Freedom House Freedom in the World 2016 survey, an annual report on the overall state of freedom in the world by a non-partisan research group.

Hey, Rodney! I’m the author of the site-- *awesome* suggestion, and my number one priority on the technical side right now (well, after I finish currency conversion so that the basics can be used worldwide). It’ll take me a little time, but you’ll be able to store custom budgets of your own and apply them to the

Hi A3Man- I’m the author of the site. I’d be happy to add Flagstaff (or any other city, within reason, that I can get a full complement of data for). If you can, drop me a quick note on the contact form as a reminder. The site contains a subset of the cities on Numbeo because I’ve also got to match it up with data

That said, where you ended your quote is where he should have STOPPED TALKING. Everything he wrote subsequently made him sound petulant, self-pitying, and thin-skinned.

I agree— I think FI really is the gradual lessening of the extent to which money controls your life (as counterintuitive as that sounds). As one of my old friends used to say, “Money doesn’t matter, unless you don’t have any!”

I don’t care how good it is for you, the Paleo diet is insane, you guys.

You’re stuck in the broken position. ;) When you have ei or ie combinations in German, the second letter is the sound. So ie is “ee” and ei is “eye.”