
I despised that sort of stuff when it was age-appropriate; it horrifies me now.

The killer app for the literary set...can Gerard Manley Hopkins be far behind?

I watched that movie in 1988, with a pokey Mac SE boasting a big fat two megabytes of memory. My dad was a former recording engineer and unafraid of technology: his problem was that the Mac tutorial was TOO DAMNED SLOW and he lost all patience with it.

Who are these guys? The Guild Of Calamitous Intent?

Where does the guy get the injection? And can I do it?

Like the last guy said - they can find bodies just fine. The trick is getting them to tell us.

Yes he is a frigging madman!

Women need to start pushing back before we're back to using fucking coat hangers. Are we really going to keep these clowns in office?!

Prostate surgery's pretty grisly, too. Maybe we should go after that - there's gotta be a religious justification somewhere.

Women need to get busy if we don't want to go back to the coathanger era. May I suggest this:

Looks nice - pity about dropping Brenda Chapman over the side. I love Pixar, but women get no traction.

Well, where would you keep a corpse?

It wouldn't be such a bad idea for the people who get content from this site to take up the weapons already in their hands and communicate to their representatives how FUCKING BAD an idea this is.

SHHH! Don't give these people ideas!

Advice to brides - do you really want your dear friends to dress up in THAT unflattering color and THAT horrid dress style just to satisfy your nuptial megalomania? Just because you've had this picture in your head since you were twelve doesn't mean you should inflict it on others.

The chemical effects of infatuation aren't restricted to women, either. This has definitely screwed with peoples' concepts of how relationships are supposed to work.

My husband did shuttle tile management back in the Eighties - if it's away from the leading edge of the vehicle it should be okay. What took down Columbia was damage to said leading edge.

Sounds like cannibalism may catch on first.

I was under the impression that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law, and therefore all those old-fashioned Jewish prohibitions were ended. My go-to spiritual adviser has Crossed Over, so does anybody else remember?

The English seem to be the ones really on top of this; Brits seem to find caches of treasure in their fields on a regular basis.