
No hell from me. I don’t get why these women would sleep with him. Other than the “maybe he can hook me up to help with my career” aspect, which apparently he probably boasted about, and it seems Stormy and this woman regretted the affairs after a few months.

I think it’s to prove a pattern of behavior, which solidifies the Stormy Daniels story, even tho that idiot Cohen already blew it up.

Why does this idiot keep getting married if all he does is cheat on his wives?

I wondered if it was fake and she wore it out in public so if it was stolen it was no big deal. It was awful.

Something always seemed off with Jennifer & Justin IMO. Maybe it was just pictures but some people you can tell they’re in love and others you look at them and there’s just nothing there.

I used pay day loans maybe 20 years ago, before they could deduct it directly from your account. For a short period, when I was struggling to make ends meet.

No, actually Sorkin inspired an entire generation of young people to get involved in politics. It went off the air in 2006 so I doubt it ensured the ascendance of Trump.

These kids are going to be voting soon. Some this fall, a lot more in 2020. You think they’re going to vote for the assholes who put the value of their lives at zero while holding their hands out to the NRA?

His grandmother was a mechanic during WWII.

Take care! I’m glad you have someone who can help you get thru it.

Delivers Meals on Wheels, sponsors a refugee family, adopted a kitten from local shelter.

Oh I just meant in the show. For some reason they are always in the top five of Toy Breed. I have a Pom so I have my loyalties. I love all dogs. It was the same when I had a Yorkie. Fricking Peke would get chosen. I call shenanigans!! :)

Thank you!

He’ll always be Best In Show to me. Best Friend, Best Dog, Best Little Bullheaded Shit sometimes. But he’s my baby and I love him.

Remember Eric Dickerson, the pro football player? He played for the Colts his last years in the NFL and lived in the area near my apartment. I saw him at a Blockbuster once.

I have a Pom and his poop gets stuck in the long hair around his bottom sometimes. I try to keep it trimmed but occasionally a little bit sticks. I use baby wipes and kid scissors.

Poms getting no love! BOO. How can anyone think that Pekingese is better than a Pom?

I love them all. I cannot imagine how much work it is to keep his coat looking like that.  

I was watching the last few episodes of S9 last night, Angela’s bachelorette party and Meredith’s son Jake is the stripper. And it’s the same actor who played Jake originally on Take Your Daughter to Work Day in the first season he was such a little asshole.

ITA. I don’t watch WD, but the lead guy is on other stuff and he’s clean.