
You kids act like this is the first time you saw a guy make a fool of himself.

Then don’t vote for him if he runs. And let us know how you feel when your 40 something son dies of brain cancer. JFC

Can’t wait for Joy Reid to tear them a new one tomorrow, or tonight if she’s still filling in for Chris Hayes.

One of my biggest pet peeves with morning shows and even NPR is their use of pop songs to open or close a segment. It is SOOO fucking cheesy.

I didn’t even finish watching the last season. And I didn’t know the new season started tonight. But I’ll watch it.

ITA!! Watched both over the weekend. Amazed at how he brought story of Emmett Till, slavery, capitalism etc into the routine.

Thinking the exact same thing, also “who the F is Chris Zylka”.

Exactly. Godless is a great example. Scott Frank couldn’t get it made as a feature film, but Netflix was all over it, and he was allowed to expand the story over 8 episodes. I go see 1-2 movies a year. They come out on dvd so fast, why pay $10 when I can pay $1.50 at Redbox?

These sound a lot like conversations among people who are stoned out of their minds.

My girl’s fake Time cover.

That is a marvelous idea!!

I don’t think he meant he felt serene that Trump was becoming President.

Andy Lack is getting a ration of shit for being pals with Lauer and letting his behavior go on for as long as it did.

He did a revival of Elephant Man on Broadway and I think he was nominated for a Tony.

so where do you go if you don’t have access to a hose (apt dweller). We have a car wash but they take the hose in as soon as we have a hard freeze. I don’t even think we have any coin operated self wash places around here any more.

Now? God I haven’t watched this mess in years. How could it get worse?

I thought the same thing. He signed her name!

I used to get cards from the Obamas (as a donor to his campaign).

Mark Ruffalo never stopped being in that movie, Spotlight (also seems like a genuinely good person).