
Very good point. He could barely bear to eat that feast of a dinner because the good and plentiful food was in some way a result of corruption. I can't wait for a spinoff "Oleg and Stan - the avengers. " They go around like a private FBI/KGB doing GOOD. Because they are decent guys who hate corruption by governments.

I hope Elizabeth doesn't report him for not hating an FBI agent. He cares !

I am now totally buying Tuan. The guy Mok is a really good actor and his Face of fear when Elizabeth was reprimanding him and he was afraid she'd reported him was great. And interesting that he was so upset for "Messing up" aka feeling love and compassion for a dying child. "Don't do it again. It's not worth it". Man

She told them earlier that she had been "read in" on everything they'd been doing. So she's obviously lying because she doesn't trust them anymore. And they know it. I mean the whole wheat/lab/lab guy etc was a very big deal.

so she can't trust Tim either.

Agree. Philip knew it was bull.

People - please don't refer to next week's. some of us deliberately don't watch them. Don't want to know. Thanks

But we didn't see that. We only saw her cooking onions.

I said it as a joke a few days ago, that when Poor Martha asked Gabriel if he was married, that maybe she meant Fake Married, as if there was all these KGB guys around fake marrying American women. Now I am sure that's what she meant, like Are you another one? Why else would she say that to him the minute he sat

Exactly what I was thinking. And his parents would have to have signed something

I think he is allowed but they didn't know what he was doing so they assumed the worst. It does seem like a flaw in their prep. Gabriel should have told them maybe

You mean Matthew. ?

I've noticed that Philip and Elizabeth's bedroom is totally beige and brown and drab. just saying

Like Meadow Soprano, left alone to tell the tale

I think he had to make it sound blasé, like it was just a spy report, nothing personal that affected him in any way.

I know Andrew Jackson had a big heart.

Where was Tuan the night before? When Elizabeth was waiting till 3 am? Had he gone out of state that night too to call the little brother? Did I miss that as his explanation? I thought they asked him, Where were you last night, meaning when she was at the house, but that was on the second night, when they followed

And she could give a really good description to a sketch artist of the real Philip.

So it sounds more like so that Oleg wouldn't know the truth about his country's history.

So how long has Martha been in USSR?