
Thanks, I had no idea. :-/

Yay for fellow Wednesday/Friday peeps!! Woot!

The numbers are still really good but it's dropping. I wonder if people are getting over it.

I don't know exactly why, but the Adam/Jessa scene on the couch was reason for me to just never bother watching again. Stupid.

We wasted it all on Hannibal's cancellation.

"Forte’s beard made Fox nervous"

Lots of publicists this time, it seemed like.

The one in Royal Oak, MI has been for sale for ages. And I think there's two shows! (I don't see it in your list above) http://www.royaloakmusicthe…

Exactly why I stopped watching Transparent in season 2, episode 1. I realized I didn't give a shit about any of these people except her.

I believe he got back on the truck while they were nonsensically sitting there for 10 minutes celebrating after they tied him up. But otherwise, yes, agreed with everything else.

"Way to kick it in, Pelé!"

One time, she said "oh, me so horny, me love you long time!" so….

The Martian was a laugh riot compared to almost anything that has ever happened on OITNB.

"Hello, Joyce?" killed me. Nice one.

I am grateful to you because I knew I was going to get nailed for even suggesting that Pam isn't the funniest thing ever.

One of the biggest irritations for me in The Office is making Kevin into a barely functioning person by the end of the show. He started as someone who was just a little dim.

Archer is one of my favorite shows but I cannot stand Pam. Almost never says anything funny, definitely never says or does anything surprising or different.

Yes, totally this.

This is the best comment I've ever read on AV Club. I loved Ken in Knocked Up and have just been beyond irritated by him on literally everything since then.

I nominate Parks and Rec as well but for Aziz's character (and also Jean-Ralphio).