
If I could turn back time one of the major things that I would change is I would never watch a minute of Lost.

I didn't read them until I was in my 30s. Definitely not for kids after the first couple books.

I wouldn't bother with it. It doesn't hold up almost at all.

I don't remember loving Justified after the first episode. I liked it, but it wasn't a *must.* The second season changed all that.

I almost don't watch anything on Network channels but yes, Hannibal. And The Goldbergs :) So much good TV right now.

He isn't wrong, but there are better ways to go about this. Like "No, You Shut Up!"'s constant mocking of TTS and the celebrity games and how they are "so viral."

I will watch any Justified spin off that doesn't include Ava.

The Art/Raylan interactions are some of the best ones ever on TV.

I have not been impressed with any of his correspondents, not once. I like him, but the show is boring and the round-table is nearly pointless.

So excited to see Zak Orth and Patton both last night. This show is so fantastic!

This was fantastic. I love how the show has a line that doesn't beat you over the head with obviousness… he said it and I was still processing, "Did he say that?" and it's off to the next.

Yes. His little 5 minute monologue at the start isn't helping anything, either.

Interesting. I thought it kind of fizzled, period.

You wanna do some lines?

I still don't remember it, and watched every episode. :-/

My favorite thing ever about LCS was Doug's talking head moments where it was clear that he did just not give a fuck.

This was back in the day when she was just *wink wink* naughty instead of outright blue, fwiw.

Spinoff idea: CSI: The Walking Dead. How do you track down a killer with no fingerprint database and barely any technology?