
I shiver just thinking about that episode.

I am too but I was a little underwhelmed. I hope it gets rolling in the next few episodes.

…"how's Oggy?"

I agree, and I was beyond cynical when they picked it up for another season. But it looks like they will be back on track this year!

@avclub-df5a3dab229f5dc14178a10e61efaa49:disqus Thanks for the laugh. I laughed way too loud (and long) at this.

I'm not sure how he gets so many roles. He's a terrible actor, and he kind of reminds me of Robert Pattinson. Oh, wait…

I agree. How many times can she tell Saul to "Fuck off" before he actually does?

Season 2 had "Q&A" which was crazy riveting. But it was downhill fast after that.

Yes, why the hell would anyone care about Dana having a boyfriend?

Good news about The Mentalist. I've been on the fence about that show for a long time (mostly leaning toward eye rolling actually). Maybe this year will be good.


I think that's why @avclub-a377d984847599012a6ba1fe6bddbbad:disqus said "Happy Ending" in quotes.

I have also known people to do this - and I'm from Michigan.

@cub Gale?

oh my god, I totally forgot about that. *shakes fist at sky*

Bill Hader was fine with me because he's somewhat famous, very funny, and a big fan of the show. Having the guy from Comic Book Men was aggravating beyond words.

What about Huell???

@avclub-55e3810d28d3d3b098f2405b29602eea:disqus I got a Cinnabon… at the airport I arrived at. I was 20 minutes from my house!

#GlancesAtCamera, #Shrugs

Spike gets a lifetime pass at our house for the "Spike's Crappy Neighbor" run on his old late night show. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. (aside to Fox - why the hell did you block this video from Youtube? You canceled the show years and years ago, you're not going to put it out on DVD, just let it go)