
I figured we'd be seeing them a little here and there?

And I'm always happy when NBC doesn't ruin the surprise by putting it in promos, months in advance!

I agree about the Sapersteins. A little Jean-Ralphio goes a long, long way - and a little Mona Lisa is too much (strangely, I love Jenny Slate). If J-R comes in for 10 seconds for a scene then pops back out, I can mostly handle that :)

…and they way overused him in the last year or so on the Conan show. It was like he came out every 3rd show to do some "rant."

The cross promotion nonsense on these shows just gets worse and worse.

The one where I've wasted so many hours of my life watching Dexter?

It's tomorrow. They are in repeats tonight.

I thought he said something funny in the one thing, but has mostly been repetitive and irritating ever since.

Question for people who actually watched - do you go into reviews for other shows and read them and comment even though you haven''t watched them? If so, where do you find the time? This behavior is fascinating to me.

We watched it live because you cannot watch Dexter after Breaking Bad. It rips the fabric of the universe.

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus like an idiot, I thought when he said "I can't leave her like this" that meant he would actually stay with her… not decide on his own (less than 6 hours after she was determined to have brain damage) that she was to be killed, and remove her body and just dump it in the

This actually would have redeemed this piece of shit episode. It wouldn't have made sense, but none of this season has, so who cares?

I gave it an F, because the flashbacks with Deb and the scene between Deb and Dexter were solid and reminded me of how good the show used to be. It made everything else even worse than it has been all year… and they took that goodwill and ran it right into the ground. Like always!

The Simpsons have gone down in quality a lot, but it has never made me angry from being so terrible.

Easy there, he did give Astor his SUV. (Or he was going to, Deb was going to drive it up to Astor)


Or ones who stopped watching 5 years ago, but came in to shit on it anyway. Thanks for stopping by!

There's a lot of things to hate about this year, but:
"10) Keep in mind the man who needed a dog doctor to give him two stitches is nicknamed THE BRAIN SURGEON."
Let's be fair, he never actually stitched anyone back up.

I don't think Jamie knows where Harrison is.