
Honestly, if they released a really comprehensive editor a la RPG Maker with square Enix designed assets in the vein of the SNES years with modern sprites, I think people would jump on it. Not only would it attract people to their older games, but it would allow fans to take a narrative lead and be a sort of massive

Square’s gonna have to release a FF-Maker, aren’t they.

I’m going to try this with Hearthstone.

Good luck with your hopeless boycott.

Well that’s a good enough reason to Play Skies of Arcadia again. Then again, any reason is a good enough reason to replay Skies.

Fair. But still fuck this screen!

It’s a Mario-themed Run Yourself Ragged!

I named my daughter Kairi and don’t regret it. Sadly only 3 people in 4 years have known the reference (or at least mentioned it to me). The most recent person overheard me say her name and asked “Kingdom Hearts?” It turns out he also named his dog Kairi (and other dog Sora). It was awesome.

Now playing

Marcy Long no longer essential after completing “Sanctuary”

Yeah, sometimes I eat things outside of the 20 or so reviews I do a year.

Good idea! Problem is, I’m not talking to Kirk again until he plays Suikoden II.

I just started playing Witcher 3 because I can’t play FF15 right now and I heard 15 was heavily influenced by W3 and.. it’s got the same damn problem.

Stars for everyone. God this drives me crazy.

The same with quests. You have to stand in a particular spot, at a particular camera angle to get the Quest option to pop up, otherwise it’ll keep presenting a Talk option to you. I literally go between jumping, talking, jumping talking, walking away, talking, and finally Quest!

other issue is that if what you’re trying to interact with isn’t in your camera view anymore, you have to stop, turn your camera and then try hitting x

Just confirmed with Blizzard: PC and consoles.

I’m going to buy this and drive an hour up to my parents house and use their landline to make the long-distance phone call to Redmond Washington. They’re going to be pissed just like they were 25 years ago.

I’ll always remember those dogs. THAT was priceless.

“desereves”, “skill at stake”, just calm down. its a game