problem is for the last 1o years politicians and media have been ramming global warming down our throats.
@Ydnam: pretty much.
pretty clearly spoof.
@rudecherub: ? yeah that's what I am saying we need Superman vs Darksied, Brainiac, Metalo, or even Doomsday.
summer camp ehh.. Not a bad way to save money. You get the kids to pay to work on a set.
@Eriah: we do have an american Sherlock Holmes.
@GusF: we just need a good one.
@prufrocker: an interesting idea. I wonder how much of this influenced the Power Rangers.
@Captain_Caveman: oh I agree completely it's not the ultimate end all energy. Really it is just another stepping stone. However we need to make that step and get rid of fosil fuels while we keep researching other new sources.
@dontloseyourdinosaur: and $1 trillion if we didn't waste money on a horrible stimulus bill.
@animemecha: not at all republicans have been pushing for more Nuclear plants for years.
@C.BledsoeJr: not to mention the cost of paying for transportation once you get there.
@ForTheLulz: but this is going to be the year he is going to focus on the economy.......
@ldouglas956: it could happen now if we just started building nuclear power plants.
PSSST Obama we could be 100% clean energy in 10 years if you just started building nuclear plants today.
@Jesse_Astle: i've only read a few issues here and there and I have never seen any mention of that.
@Sean Barnes: he's a t0tal rebel who follows all the rules.
@retserrof84: yeah it would be nice if they let us know but the game did just come out so I am willing to give them some leeway.