
@SilentAssassn87: well its by SOE and they are still running Vanguard which was a huge flop at release and they kept the Matrix online running for like 5 years. So yeah it will be around for a long time.

@gigawings: I haven't seen them but I am also not level 30 yet.

@retserrof84: Sony said they would be releasing new free content every month. As long as they can keep that promise I will be happy.

For me the big thing that sets this apart from the other 2 superhero MMOs is fighting villains I actually know.

@99TelepodProblems: believe it or not they actually counted this as a legitimate vote for him.

the lizard people strike again

@nitespark99: I say save Mr freeze for later and do the Heart of Ice story from the animated series.

@boomer: how so? Incandescent lights contain no mercury.

@boomer: and how many people in the US do you think are responsible?

@techaz: your logic is not welcome here.

@Dogen: you just stole my heart.

@Brightmotor: what's worse is you are forced to buy the "environmental friendly light bulbs" which are worse for the environment because they contain Mercury.

unless of course you don't get your electricity from a Coil, oil or gas plant.

@senselocke: aahh I see your complaint is about the controls.

@MooseOfDoom23: only one really. Still the game is about Azeroth.