@TimeNeverRests (PS1): yeah I always thought the same thing. World of Starcraft would be boring.
@TimeNeverRests (PS1): yeah I always thought the same thing. World of Starcraft would be boring.
@DradusContact: lol win. yeah they come off like really bad fan fiction. Or the writter of the movie never played the games but got all of his ideas from two 10 year olds with ADD.
@BananaMan55: wow thats... that's just messed up.
@Ayane: it is incredibly silly to add a new main character and ignore the characters that the fans already know.
@x Dave Lister x: it's haters gonna hate.
@TheOvermatt: and the movies contain neither plot or atmosphere.
@antmansbigxmas: agreed. While not a huge batman fan or at least not as big as you there are plenty of great stories I would love to see done.
@photonarbiter: yeah that line got me to. I mean wtf of course a kid is going to get irritable because he can't play something that is really fun.
1 out of ten is really not bad at all.
@xerdo: except it didn't happen. Look back at the Ft Hood shooting.
@Jonn: hey don' knock it even the mentally handic.... no sorry I can't even finish that it's just wrong.
@AHSSouhleris: agreed
@Shinta: did they ever figure out who broke the door? I wonder if it was the same guy?
@N-Robes: I have to give it to the squirrel
@VideoGameFan: we cuban's don't do tortillas that's mexico.
Why are there Tortilla chips on the Miami burger.
@Vecha: Kotaku Friends work like the Stock Market: nah every country does it
@tenken4life: every now and then some mcdonalds get some weird stuff. I remember there was a Mcdonalds off of 95 in Virgina that used to sell Pizza and it was really good.
@Fo0dNippl3: well they have to deal with trolls for the most part because they take the game so serious and are bitchy.
@Fo0dNippl3: exactly they get an elitist attitude.