
@RalOberon: Jennings probably whispered either "your wife is pregnant" or "you are all carriers"

@Santar: yup pretty much. I will say however American Dad has actually gotten good.

@The Anti-Fanboy: I imagine he was in the beta so he would have already seen the lore part.

@Paul_Is_Drunk: you know nerds if something isn't an epic win it's a epic fail. There is no inbetween in the nerd world.

@Infernorhythm: I'm pretty sure they will. My guess is they introduce magic through Thor and then tie it in with Iron Man in the Avengers movie.

@deafblindmute: agreed 100%. This seems like the kind of thing they would actually do and it would be horrible.

@brent_w: therefore lots of people are people.... wait ... damn it.

@rikkitikkitavi: I don't think you could count MST3K seeing as it started out on Comedy Central.

Now playing

@brydeneaston: no you can't but you can be a rat, cat,lizard, dragon people or frog for a total of 19 races

@{Advent}: it's pretty good. It has a great community and a crap ton of content.

@JoelR: ha it's so very meta.

@TheRealDoshu: i would say so. They still release an expansion every year.

@Walking Eye!: *lincolnsbeard33 needs to learn to shoot

@Aideh: *select sniper

@Xeddicus: well that's just it Blizz's development cycle is fine for a RTS or Dungeon crawler. However for a MMO a game in which regular content updates are needed it's not ok.

@Shinobiii: there is a ton of stuff in WoW that they added and never did anything with. One of the many reasons I quit. How can the most profitable MMO have the slowest development cycle.