
Honestly he would probably make a better Luke Cage.

@Habs: by that rational we should check every car for bombs because someone tried to use a car bomb in times square.

@Habs: true but he wasn't a terrorist.

@wtf_G: thats 3 more reasons then most zones.

@Greyspectre: plus you had one of the World Dragons there.

@Jennacide: don't forget you needed the water from the hydro guys for Molten Core.

@LittleDragon: actually it doesn't matter as CO2 isn't the highest greenhouse gas. Water Vapor is actually the most abundant green house gas by a mile.

@LittleDragon: no need you ARE a greenhouse gas plant. All you need to do is keep breathing.

@Beardbeardly: umm if you guys sold them a defective game then they should get their full money back or a new copy of the game.

@vidhagans: my cat kicked me out of the bed last night.

Now playing

My favorite has always been The Delicatessen

Until she plants a flag on the sun I will not pay her one dime.

@Akheloios: WHAT CLICHES?? Show me another opening title sequence that even uses remotely similar visuals for the opening titles as ROME