
@Akheloios: ok a cliche means it has to been done before. Please please please show me at least 2 series that use the same shots.

@Jonn: and what other shows used the same shots?

@SG-17: ahh Paranoia agent the only Anime I have ever enjoyed.

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@Akheloios: if you want to see amazing opening credits look no further then any HBO series

@jkaste06: agreed that the opening is a sign of how good it is. But the idea is that they don't use the same standard shots that Anime's do.

@Justin Henehan: either way nothing in True Blood's opening is like other shows openings.

@Akheloios: not needed in Western TV shows. Western shows use clips from actual episodes.

@Ursus-Veritas: no not really with the exception of sit coms from the 90s and before American shows use shots from episodes.

@dmcshinobi: actually that episode proves that The Flash is cooler.

@John_Norad: nah Dr. Manhattan is just a dick.

@WookieLifeDay: nope should be #1. Falcon is overrated and should lose points anyway due to Lucas's sins of the prequils.