
@LogynxRunn: if it's all his dream why is he dreaming about people doing things that he can't have any knowledge about?

@Sunwind: Farscape should be on this list.

WTF???? How is Lost on here and not Farscape??? Highlander and not Farscape??? Why didn't you just throw Andromada up there while you were at it.

@crosis101: and every aquirum puts an open top clam tank next to an open octopus tank : P

@JGab: well the Hurt Locker isn't an anti military movie. So I can't see them having a problem with them stocking it.

@crosis101: while they are not saying it is fake it seems a lot of people have heard the same story from different aquariums.

am I looking at 3 dudes in this post as well?

@crosis101: old story been repeated time and time again.

@blake.comotion: not at all if you look through the trope examples there are only a handful of them in which the black guy dies first and even fewer that take place before the 1980s.

@Bazzed: you seem to miss the point it is all built on a myth.

@blake.comotion: yeah actually read the examples it gives. Very very few of them have the black guy die first.

@GirlLibrarian: actual emigration to another country is pretty hard. I have a friend who is trying to emigrate to New Zealand and they have put her through all sorts of crap to try and get a working visa.

@thecast: -5 points for using the term M$ only pretentious assholes use that.

@Bad_Romance: why would it trump it? They are not saying she can't be muslim. They are not saying she can't be promoted.

@BeckySharper: actually no they will win this or get it thrown out.

@JoshRogan: except they were willing to provide her with an accommodation. They were willing to let her work behind the scenes.

@SparklyTempest: yes they do have rules against wearing a cross.