
@my2doctors: you are not understanding the law. That has to do with hiring, promotions and things of that nature.

@backinpgh: how come after working for Disney for 3 years she now decided to "share" her culutre with the guests?

@Bad_Romance: nothing they did was illegal. It's not like they sprung this up out of no where. She knew the policy and had been following if for 3 years.

@clevernamehere: actually they did. They offered her a job back stage where she could wear the scarf but she said no.

@Helis: but it's not true. Thats a complete myth.

@MetalSonic7: nope the black guy doesn't die first it's a myth. Read my other comment just above this one.

@idDobie: actually no it isn't.

@Cupajo: anyway the point is the word "create" implies a lot. That's why he gets so much shit for what he said.

@Cupajo: yeah doesn't work like that. No one says I am going to create BBQ chicken.

@Cupajo: it may not be what he intended to say but he did say that he helped create the interent.

@jandlecack: agreed i am really annoyed that people keep calling it a video game movie. Just because it has a lot of video game references it is not a video game movie. The style and direction of the movie is clearly that of a comic book.

@Analog_Olmos: it's not the end all of the quality of a movie however there is something to be said about a movie that opens against nothing and doesn't open at #1.

@OzymandiasX: no it will suck because it's a horrible idea for a movie.

@sega8800: all 3 of the resident evil movies have been crap.

the fact that you have Resident Evil on the list even if it is only as a movie that potentially might be good causes this list to lose all creditablity.

@blaaps: they do if they are from gay hole

@justagigilo85: if you mean suck instead of own you are 100% correct. 10 bucks says it doesn't open at #1

@Doncosmic: yeah it's defently the best of them.